Each college under National University has Student Advisory Council (SAC) operated by the students themselves to represent in various aspects of student life to enhance their learning experience.
Each college under National University has Student Advisory Council (SAC) operated by the students themselves to represent in various aspects of student life to enhance their learning experience. The SAC composition and remits are in accordance to the guidelines given by the MoHE in the ‘Regulatory guide of SAC at HEIs’ with the overall aim of enhancing and developing the educational/research process and services provided to students. This student-elected group offers a mechanism for identifying, discussing, and solving student related issues as well as involving students in the wider community. The Council provides a platform for expressing students’ views, talents and abilities and thereby provides An enriching experience in the college. The members of the council are professionally accountable for building, sustaining and integrating a strong and functional community that works in partnership with college management and staff, as well as with parents, for the benefit of all students.
Also, the SAC platform empowers the students and enhances the student participation in the decision-making process and overall professional development of students in the college through giving opportunities, training, and practice in leadership and management activities.
The SAC has 17 elected members including the President and Vice-president. Its three committees are the Academic Committee, the Student Services Committee, and the Activities and Initiatives Committee. Each committee, led by a chairperson, collaborates closely with various units communicate to the students and departments in the college. The Vice Chancellors office is in liaison to the Student Advisory Council. The administrative support is provided by Directorate of Student Affairs, offices at different campuses.
The SAC members meet with all representatives for identifying, discussing, and solving student related issues as well as involving students in the wider community. The council provides a platform for expressing students views, talents and abilities and thereby provides an enriching experience for the College as a whole. Over the years the council has been instrumental in enhancing various aspects of learning and teaching and the services provided by the colleges.
Students are viewed as partners in various decision making processes and forums and represent themselves in college committees and boards. The council has members from various nationalities giving an opportunity for cultural exchanges especially from those from other countries.
NU encourages students to take part in community activities, through registering themselves in various student’s clubs. Moreover student’s voluntary clubs often organize charity fairs and blood donation camps and proceeds are donated to recognized charitable institutions.