Hear from Department Head

Head of the Department

Professor (Dr) Syed Mohammed Rizwan

The Department of Applied mathematics and science builds a strong foundation in the concepts involving Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics that lead to an understanding of the specialized areas in Engineering and Medicine. Department possesses dedicated faculty and well-equipped infrastructure conducive to rich academic output. The average student evaluation of the staff ranges from Good to Excellent. The department offers service courses to the College of Engineering and College of Pharmacy.

The department has created Mathematics Learning Support Center (MLSC) which acts as an avenue for students who need additional support in understanding pedagogy in mathematics and as a training center for Mathematical computing.  Also, the department has a students’ club named “Math Club”. The activities of the club provide a unique platform for the students to exhibit their creativity and to demonstrate their analytical and logical skills.

The department realizes the importance of innovative research and therefore the core research group of the department is actively involved in research in a wide range of Mathematics and Statistics applications but is particularly specialized in Reliability modelling and analysis, Applied Probability & Stochastic Processes. Faculties of the department undertake both internal and external scholarly activities like being a member of the Editorial Board and serving as referees of Mathematics and Statistics journals.

Last but not the least, the success of the department lies in realizing the fact that how effectively our students are able to demonstrate the knowledge of Mathematics and Science in their career and day-to-day life and hence it is evident that the very purpose of the department lies on end-user’s satisfaction in day-to-day effective learning process.

Contact Information:

Professor (Dr) Syed Mohammed Rizwan
Head of the Department
Department of Applied Mathematics & Science
P O Box 2322, Seeb-111,
Sultanate of Oman
[email protected]
Tel: 24536165 ext. 675 .