Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering (ECE)

Achievements / Events

Guest Lecture

  1. Dr. D. Ragavesh and Mr. Athar Azeez, Senior Lecturer from ECE department delivered an online workshop for IMCO staff members on Blackboard Basics on 05 June 2024. 
  2. Dr. D. Ragavesh, Senior Lecturer from ECE department attended an online workshop on Artificial Intelligence/Machine learning and Deep learning from 19 August 2024 to 23 August 2024, conducted by the IIRS-ISRO.
  3. Athar Azeez, Senior Lecturer from ECE Department, CoE, NU attended the “ IIRS-ISRO distance learning programme on Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Deep learning ”  from 19th August 2024 to 23rd August 2024.
  4. On 19th March IEEE  Online research base talk on “Research Collaboration – Vital  Need for Real Impact” was organised for staff and students of ECE and ITMB   Speaker: Dr B Murali Krishna, IITian, The event is hosted by UTAS AL Musanna, Oman Student Branch Counselor: Dr Nag.  Participants of National University, Oman.
  5. Mr. Athar Azeez attended the webinar on ‘Oman: Embrace the Future of Spatial AI Knowledge Transfer’ on 25th March 2024 facilitated by Dan Lejerskar (CEO of EON Reality).

Site Visits

  1. Ms Shaikha AL Jahdhami has organized a site visit to Ooredoo Data2Cloud   center as part of Cloud Computing Course activities for Level 3 students.

Student Achievements


  • Level 4 Computer Engineering students of the Electrical and Communication Engineering department visited OQ company on Wednesday, 17 May 2023, accompanied by D Ragavesh.
  • Level 3 Electrical Power Engineering students of the Electrical and Communication Engineering department visited ACWA Power Barka company on Thursday, 18 May 2023, accompanied by Khalifa Khalfan Salim Al Aliyani and D Ragavesh.
  • Arwa Abdullah Al Mujaini and Fatma Mazin Al Maashari, level 3, Electronics and Communication Engineering students won 1st prize (cash award 60 OMR) at TECHEXPO2023 EVENTS – IoT Masterminds held at University of Technology and Applied Sciences- Al Musannah on 11th May 2023. Faculty advisor: D Ragavesh.
  • Mohammed Yaseen (Author) Level 3 EPE, ECE Dept. student and Dharmasa (co-author), Feasibility Study of Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation presented a paper at 12th National Symposium on Engineering Final Year Projects, Nizwa University, 8th May 2023- Oman.

    A technical research paper authored by Mr. Abdallah Al Shibli and Dr. Satish Tanavade got accepted and presented at IEEE 58th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (IUPEC-2023) at Dublin, Ireland held during 29 Aug-01 Sep, 2023. (SCOPUS Indexed)

    Title of paper: Design and Optimal Placement of Static VAR Compensator for Voltage Stability and Power Quality Improvement in Oman’s 132 kV Power Grid

  • Mr. Abdullah Said Al Hasani was selected by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation to be one of the representatives of the young innovators from Oman participated in the London International Youth Science Forum. Abdullah. The forum was hosted in Imperial College Londan and the participants visited various scientific and research organisations such as University of Sussex, the National Physical Laboratory and HR Wallingford to explore the recent research, innovations, and major projects in the chemical and physical sciences. Abdullah participated also in the Science Exhibition to display and showcase the innovation of “Smart Gas Regulator” with great discussion with the scientists, innovators, and researchers from around the world.
  • The following students of Computer Engineering and Electrical Power Engineering participated in a Robotics competition held at Modern College of Business and Science on 15/11/2023 under supervision of Mr D Ragavesh.
    Team Name : Voltage Vortex
    1. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Khaldi (NU200251) – COE
    2. Abdulrahman Al-Bulushi (NU190411) – EPE
    3. Omar Zeid Al-Kilani (NU200587) – COE
  • Department of ECE and student support service jointly hosted a chess tournament for college of engineering students on 7th November 2023. Five rounds of play have been organized under the Swiss pairing method. The participants were awarded certificates and the first/second-runner were awarded medals and the winner was awarded a trophy. Computer engineering students Ahmed Mohammed Al-Khaldi and Omar Zeid Al-Kilani meticulously planned and hosted the event.


  • Mr. Abdul Rahman AlAmrani, MSc-Electrical Engineering student, submitted a technical paper based on his Master Thesis work (supervised by Dr. Satish) to the 7th International Conference on Innovations and Research in Technology & Engineering, to be organized at Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan’s College of Engineering and Visual Arts, Mumbai (Result awaited)
  • Razan Al kalbani has been accredited by National Centre forScientific Skills Development an official MILSET( International Movement for for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology , Asia member.
  • Razan Al Kalbani has been participating in the Expo Sciences Asia Dubai 2022 from February 20 -25 , 2022.
  • Razan Hamed Salim Abdullah Al Kalbani has won the Gold medal in the Expo Sciences Asia Dubai 2022.
  • Athraa Sami Ahmed Al Jorani 210018 Level 4 Telecommunication Engineering student has won the best technical paper presentation award and bagged OMR 100/- in the 3rd IEEE SYP congress 2022 held at University of Technology and Applied Science _Ibra for the title of the technical paper ‘ IoT based Smart Health System co-authored by Technical Project supervisor Basheer Ahamed Gani Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering.
  • Athraa Sami Ahmed Al Jorani 210018 Level 4 Telecommunication Engineering student has won the second place in the programming competition and bagged OMR 100/- in the 3rd IEEE SYP congress 2022 held at University of Technology and Applied Science _Ibra .
  • BEng EPE student Mr. Mashal Al Bimani presented a technical paper in international conference ICRES-2022 at Turkey on “Design and Implement a hybrid Air conditioning system using a Solar Energy” under the supervision of Mr. Athar Azeez.
  • Kalbani, R., & Gani,B.A. (2022). Feasibility study of Solar and Wind energy Hybrid model for powering Highway lights in Oman In M. Shelley, I. Chiang,& O.T. Ozturk (Eds.), Proceedings of ICRES2022—International Conference on Research in Education and Science (pp. CRES070), Antalya, TURKEY. ISTES Organization.
  • The Electrical Power Engineering program organized Alumni Talk for all students of the EPE program on 11 May 2022. Three distinguished alumni including two girls delivered the talk during this event. Importance of the EPE program and the employment opportunities with special emphasis on those for girls were the main topics of the alumni talks.
  • Invited talk on Renewable Energy Systems by Dr. Leo Raju from SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Athraa Al Jorani ,Level 4 Telecommunication Engineering student presented the paper IoT based Smart Health System coauthored by Basheer Ahamed Gani in the Students Research symposium on 9th May 2022 on the College of Engineering Research day
  • Razan Al Kalbani ,Llevel 4 Electrical Power Engineering student presented the paper Solar and Wind Energy Hybrid model for powering the street lights coauthored by Basheer Ahamed Gani in the Students Research symposium on 9th May 2022 on the College of Engineering Research day.
  • Invited talk on Linear Regression, a key machine learning algorithm and its applications, by Mr M Shanmugasundaram, Data Science Consultant – Tasker Inc., Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Mr Usama Masound Fadhil Al Darwashi, Level 3 Computer Engineering student has won first place in a Chess Tournament conducted by IEEE student chapter.
  • Mr Ahmed Mohammed Salim Al-Khaldi, Level 3 Computer Engineering student has won first place in a Rubik’s Cube Solving Challenge conducted by IEEE student chapter
  • Razan Al Kalbani, a student of BEng Telecommunications Engineering has won the Gold Medal in the Expo Sciences Asia Dubai 2022 for her technical presentation. She is also become an accredited member of the International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science and Technology (MILSET, Asia).
  • Athraa Sami Ahmed Al Jorani, Level 4 Telecommunication Engineering student has won the best technical paper presentation award and bagged OMR 100/- and also won the second prize in the Programming Competition in the 3rd IEEE SYP congress 2022 held at University of Technology and Applied Science Ibra.
  • Ms Mohsina, level 4 ITMB student presented paper titled ‘Machine learning based mobile application for financial management for college students in Sultanate of Oman’ in the International symposium on AI and received best student project presentation award
  • Saif Hilal Saif Hamid Al Jassasi, Anafal Sulaiman Ahmed Al Alawi & Ghadeer Nasser Saif Al Rawahi of level 3 Computer Engineering received NU Undergraduate Research Grant for their project: “Automated Contactless SARS CoronaVirus Detection from Cough Sound Pattern Samples Using Machine Learning” under the supervision of Dr. Mansoor Ali K.P


Technical project student

  • Ms. Homaira Amzad (Level 4 Computer Engineering) won the Best Research Presentation award for her work titled “Tourism Recommendation System” under student category in Engineering Theme in NU Research Day conducted on 21st September 2021.
  • Ms. Razan Hamed Salim Abdullah Al Kalbani Level 4 Electrical Power Engineering student has won the silver medal in the Challenge and Innovation forum Qatar held during November 2021
    Mr. Ahmed Al Raisi Level 2 Electronics and Communications Engineering student has won the National stage of Huawei ICT Competition 2021
  • Mr Usama Masound Fadhil Al Darwashi, Level 3 Computer Engineering student has won first place in a Chess Tournament conducted by IEEE student chapter.
  • Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Salim Al-Khaldi, Level 3 Computer Engineering student has won first place in a Rubik’s Cube Solving Challenge conducted by IEEE student chapter.IEEE STUDENT CHAPTER IS PLANNED TO CONDUCT A PROGRAM ON DEC 6TH “STANDARD EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES TO CONDUCT HIG VOLTAGE TEST” UNDER IEEE OMAN SECTION.
  • Ms. Razan Hamed Salim Abdullah Al Kalbani Level 4 Electrical Power Engineering student has secured the second place lin the Middle East Inventors & Innovators Network in Kuwait. held during 27th November 2021
  • Ms. Razan Hamed Salim Abdullah Al Kalbani Level 4 Electrical Power Engineering student has won the silver medal in the Challenge and Innovation forum Qatar held during November 2021
  • Mr. Ahmed Al Raisi Level 2 Electronics and Communications Engineering student has won the National stage of Huawei ICT Competition 2021
  • Mr. Usama Masound Fadhil Al Darwashi, Level 3 Computer Engineering student has won first place in a Chess Tournament conducted by IEEE student chapter.
  • Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Salim Al-Khaldi, Level 3 Computer Engineering student has won first place in a Rubik’s Cube Solving Challenge conducted by IEEE student chapter.
  • Ms. Razan Hamed Salim Abdullah Al Kalbani Level 4 Electrical Power Engineering student has secured the second place lin the Middle East Inventors & Innovators Network in Kuwait. held during 27th November 2021
  • Ms. Shaima Amur Hamed Al Maskari (MSc IT student) presented a paper in EAI BDCC 2021 – 4th EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing, December 17-18, 2021, Coimbatore, India.
  • Ms.Razan Hamed Salim Abdullah Al Kalbani Level 4 Electrical Power Engineering student has won the silver medal in the Challenge and Innovation forum Qatar held during November 2021.
  • Mr. Ahmed Al Raisi won the National stage of Huawei ICT competition 2021 in its 5th version. Mr. Ahmed’s determination and hard work drove him to be ranked number 1 among 500 students from all the higher education institutions in Oman who participated in the local stage of the competition. He will represent Oman & the National University in the Regional stage across the Middle East competition which will be held in Saudi Arabia in December 2021.
  • Ms. Razan Hamed Salim Al Kalbani won 2nd Silver award for her project ‘Print Absorbs X-ray’ in an event organized by the Middle East Women Inventors & Innovators Network MEWIIN Kuwait held during 27th November 2021.
  • Mr. Ahmed Al Raisi bagged Outstanding performance in the Huawei ICT competition (regional final) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, December 2021.

Staff Achievements


  1. Abdulrahman Yousuf Al Balushi (Level 4 – EPE), Ahmed Mohammad Al Khaldi (Level 3 – COE), Fahad Rashid Al Aghbari (Level 4 – EPE), Mohammad Yaseen (Level 4 – EPE), Omar Zeid Al Kailani (Level 4 – COE) and Zabih Syed Sami Uddin Ali Muqeem Uddin (Level 4 – CE) participated in SAS 48 Hackathon, Green Technologies from 2nd to 4th May 2024 and won a cash prize of OMR 1350 under ‘Logistics Sector’. The project was supervised by Dr. D. Ragavesh.
  2. Asma Ismail Al Balushi, Wahaj Waleed Al Hoti and  Ruba Said Al Humaidi of the ECE department have won the best project award for their work titled “Auto Road Inspector: Road Damages Recognition and Reporting System” in the Final Year  Best Project Competition held at College of Engineering, NU on 14 May 2024. The project was supervised by  Dr. D. Ragavesh.
  3. Asma Ismail Al Balushi, Wahaj Waleed Al Hoti and  Ruba Said Al Humaidi of the ECE department have won 3rd prize for their work titled “Auto Road Inspector: Road Damages Recognition and Reporting System” in the NU’s Annual TechFest (Nexus) held at College of Engineering, NU on 6 May 2024. The project was supervised by Dr. D. Ragavesh.
  4. Asma Ismail Al Balushi, Wahaj Waleed Al Hoti and  Ruba Said Al Humaidi of ECE department received the best capstone project award (ECE Programme) for their work titled “Auto Road Inspector: Road Damages Recognition and Reporting System” in the third College of Engineering research day held on 9 May 2024 at College of Engineering, NU on 6 May 2024. The project was supervised by Dr. D. Ragavesh.
  5. Arwa Abdullah Hussain Al Mujain, Fatma Mazin Saud Al Maashari, and Omar Zeid S.Alkailani presented their work titled “IoT-based water purity analyzer for public water supply” at International Conference on Energy and Sustainability (ICES 2024), hosted by A’Sharqiyah University in Ibra, Oman, on April 22-23, 2024. The work was mentored by Dr. D. Ragavesh.
  6. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Khaldi and Omar Zeid Al-Kailani from the Electrical Communications Engineering Department majoring in Computer Engineering have won third place in the “Cracking the Code” competition held at UTAS Muscat on 28th April 2024. The work was mentored by Dr. D. Ragavesh. (A group photo – included
  7. Dr. K. Suresh Manic, convener, proudly organized the inaugural International Conference on Advanced Technology, held on April 30 and May 1, 2024. The conference saw an impressive turnout with over 200 participants representing 16 countries. Throughout the event, 100 papers were presented by researchers from around the globe, showcasing cutting-edge advancements and fostering international collaboration in the field of technolo
  8. On July 16, 2024, SRM University proudly hosted Dr. K. Suresh Manic and Prof. KPR from National University for a significant international collaboration meeting. The visit marked a pivotal moment as both institutions committed to advancing their partnership by signing two joint international projects, each valued at 4000 OMR. This collaboration underscores SRM University’s dedication to fostering global academic and research partnerships. The agreement promises to enhance research capabilities and provide invaluable opportunities for both institutions
  9. Computer Engineering students Baraah Abood Al Mushaifri , Janan Ali Said Al-Alawi, Hoor Shinoon Al-Maawali  won the best project in the field of Tourism , at the Oman Innovation Festival held on 5 – 10 Feb 2024.
  10. Bayan Faisal Al-Jahwari, Hassan Ali Al-Nassri, Baraah Abood Almushaifri and Tariq Al Balushi participated in the In-Pipeline Inspection Robot Competition held at SQU on 14th February 2024.

    On 14th February 2024, Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) hosted the notable In-Pipeline Inspection Robot Competition (IIR). Among the ambitious participants were Bayan Faisal Al-Jahwari, Hassan Ali Al-Nassri, Baraah Abood Almushaifri, and Tariq Al Balushi, who showcased their innovative robot designed for the critical task of pipeline inspection. This event emphasised the practical application of engineering skills and the significance of technological advancements in infrastructure maintenance. Their participation enhances their dedication to engineering innovation and potential to contribute significantly to this vital field. The competition served as a platform for these budding engineers to demonstrate their talents.

  11. Malak Salim Ali Al Maqrashi and Shamsa Ali Salim Said Al Mahrizi presented their project work titled “Digital Medical Imaging System – a Prototype” at the Oman Innovation Festival on 11th February 2024.
  12. Malak Salim Ali Al Maqrashi and Shamsa Ali Salim Said Al Mahrizi presented their project work titled “Design and Development of a Digital Macro-Pathology System” at IEEE Oman SYP Congress 2024 held at SQU on 27th February 2024.
  13. Malak Salim Ali Al Maqrashi and Shamsa Ali Salim Said Al Mahrizi presented their project work titled “Design and Development of a Digital Macro-Pathology System” at the AI APEX CHALLENGE held at UTAS, Al-Mussanah, on 7th March 2024.
  14. Malak Salim Ali Al Maqrashi and Shamsa Ali Salim Said Al Mahrizi have marked their presence in the medical field through impressive presentations across prestigious platforms in early 2024. They first showcased “Digital Medical Imaging System – a Prototype” at the Oman Innovation Festival on 11th February, demonstrating their commitment to advancing healthcare technology. They also presented their work titled “Design and Development of a Digital Macro-Pathology System” at the IEEE Oman SYP Congress 2024 on 27th February at Sultan Qaboos University, followed by AI APEX CHALLENGE at UTAS, Al-Mussanah on 7th March. These achievements not only underscore their dedication to enhancing digital healthcare solutions but also highlight their potential to contribute significantly to the field of medical pathology.
  15. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Khaldi, Abdulrahman Al-Bulushi and Omar Zeid Al-Kilani have participated in the Robotic Challenge competition, IEEE Oman SYP Congress 2024 held at SQU on 27th February 2024.
    Ahmed Mohammed Al-Khaldi and Tariq Al Balushi participated in the Quiz competition, AI APEX CHALLENGE, held at UTAS, Al-Mussanah, on 7th March 2024.
  16. Dr. K. Suresh Manic and Mohammad Yassen presented their pioneering prototype, “Manic TreeTrekker: Scaling New Heights in Harvesting,” at the Oman Innovation Festival on February 9th, 2024, hosted at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU).

    This innovative project, developed at the AI Research Center, aims to revolutionize date palm harvesting by implementing a novel automated tree climber robot. Funded by the NURG grant, this project represents a significant advancement in agricultural efficiency and sustainability. The automated tree climber robot offers a groundbreaking solution to enhance date palm harvesting processes, ultimately contributing to increased productivity and environmental conservation. Dr. Suresh Manic’s dedication to innovative research was evident in the success of this project, which garnered attention and acclaim at the festival. We commend their outstanding efforts in advancing agricultural technologies and eagerly anticipate further contributions from our esteemed faculty and students.

  17. Dr K.Suresh Manic-Convener and coordinator of ICAT 2024,  presented the comprehensive plan for the First International Conference on Advanced Technology (ICAT 2024) to the esteemed Advisory Committee members. Chaired by Dr. P. Mohamed Ali, Chairman of the Board of Directors at NU, the committee comprises distinguished individuals including Dr. Ali Saud Al Bimani, Vice-Chancellor, and Dr. Salim Khamis Al Araimi, DVC and Provost for Academic Affairs and Research and Prof. K. P. Ramachandran, Dean of Deanship of Graduate Studies & Research. In the board room, HQ.

    The Conference was held on April 30th and May 1st at the prestigious Hormuz Grand Hotel, Muscat, ICAT 2024 proved to be a landmark event in the realm of advanced technology. The conference met its aim to foster collaboration and innovation with the theme” Applications of AI and cyber solutions for sustainability in engineering and healthcare. The insightful inputs and guidance provided by the Advisory Committee members have been instrumental in shaping the vision and direction of ICAT 2024. 

  18. Under the supervision of Mr J Nadarajan,  Fahad Rashid Saleem AL Aghbari and Manal Lahaj Khamis Al Musheifri of ECE department won the Best Project Award for the project titled ”  Smart Tap Changer Applied to a Single-Phase Transformer using Microcontroller” in the Best Project Competition held on May 14, 2024 at College of Engineering, NU.


  • Imad Saud Al Naimi, Syed Alwee Aljunid bin Syed Junid, Muhammad lmran bin Ahmad, K.Suresh Manic presented a paper titled ‘UNet/SegNet based automation segmentation of Brain tumour in Flair MRI slices” in the International conference on Smart Systems Technologies and Applications-ICSSTA 2023, Organised by Vel Tech R&D institute of science and Technology, Avadi, Chennai, India, held on April 28/4/23 and 29/4/23.
  • Feras N Hasoon, Ahmed Al Rawahi, Hilal A. Fadhil and K.Suresh Manic presented a paper titled “Modelling and simulation of hybrid wind-solar power system for Muscat in Oman” in the International conference on Smart Systems Technologies and Applications-ICSSTA 2023, Organised by Vel Tech R&D institute of science and Technology, Avadi, Chennai, India, held on April 28/4/23 and 29/4/23
  • Dr Dharmasa, Assistant Professor has been invited as Chief Guest by the V-Core International, to deliver a Talk entitled “Need of Plantation at Open Plot” at Madurai, India. On dated 30th July 2023
  • Dr Dharmasa, Assistant Professor has been invited by the LVD Association as a Guest to “Plant a Tree to Reduce Soil Erosion”in Association with Vidya Joyti School and Government School, Egnoor, Raichur- India. On dated 22nd July 2023.
  • Dr Feras invited as a Judge-Senior category for Science, Technology and Innovation-STAI (Mega event aimed at promoting scientific curiosity among young minds) at Indian School Al Maabela on 9th September, 2023
  • Dr. Dharmasa’s first author paper entitled “Development of matrix based single equation to compute OC-SC tests parameters for 1-phase transformer” in Accepted in Sep 2023 to publish in Oct 2023 Issue, Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems.
  • Mr. Ali Maqruqi HOD of the ECE department, welcomed visitors from University Technology of Applied Sciences’s Electrical and Computer departments, coordinated by Dr. Dharmasa & Mr Khalifa. They visited the AI Research Centre and Waste-to-Energy Lab. Dr. K. Suresh Manic presented NU’s AI journey, emphasizing our achievements, while Dr. Shabib explained the ongoing projects in the Waste-to-Energy Lab, fostering an enriching exchange of expertise. On October 22, 2023.
  • Dr. Ali Bimani and Dr. Suresh Manic jointly led a workshop at the School of Foundation Studies on October 26, 2023. The workshop featured the BIMANIC model, part of the TRC Project, using AI to redefine education guidance for Oman’s future
  • Dr.Satish delivered an invited talk at College of Engineering-UTAS on 16 November 2023 on the topic “Latest Trends in Power Electronics and Drives“
  • Ms Shaikha AL Jahdhami as part of the Cloud Computing Course activities, Ms Shaikha AL Jahdhami organized a site visit to the Ooredoo Data2Cloud Center in Bousher on November 1, 2023. The visit aimed to familiarize the students with the data center and the various cloud services provided by Ooredoo
  • Dr K.Suresh Manic conducted a workshop on BIMANIC – AI driven personalized guidance towards higher education journey to SOFS students, part of TRC project outcome
  • Dr K.Suresh Manic invited as session chair for the international conference on machine learning and data engineering -ICMLDE-2023 on Nov 23-24, 2023 at UPES, Dehradun, India.
  • Dr Dharmasa delivered a Guest Talk, on topic entitled, The significance of role of practical transformer in the power system UTAS, Muscat Oman on 26th Nov 2023.
  • Dr Dharmasa and Mr Kahlifa organized One day IEEE training event on Artificial Intelligence(delivered by Dr Suresh) lab and Waste to Energy Lab(Dr Shabib and Ms Noura Al Balushi) on 22 Oct 2023
  • Dr. Ragavesh Dhandapani conducted a staff development work titled ‘Microsft Excel and its applications’ on 21 Nov 2023 through Google Meet.
  • Dr Dharmasa is invited as Chief Guest by the Indian Social Club- Karnataka Wing in event of Teachers Day, on 8th Sep 2023 at ISC Hall,Muscat, Oman.
  • Dr Dharmasa delivered a talk entitled “ The Significant Role of Transformer in Power System” at UTAS , Muscat, Oman. On 26th Nov 2023
  • Dr K.Suresh Manic presented two research papers at international conference ICISAS 2023 organised by Curtin university , Dubai -Dec 9-10, 2023.
  • Dr K.Suresh Manic was invited as session chair for the international conference ICISAS 2023 organised by Curtin university , Dubai -Dec 9-10, 2023.
  • Mr Basheer, Dr Dharmasa, Mr Athar and Mr Ragavesh participated in the IEEE members’ 5th Annual gathering on 12th December 2023, held at Arab Open University.
  • Dr K.Suresh Manic received best research presentation award at ICISAS 2023 for the paper titled “ BIMANIC; AI driven personalised education guidance for higher education in Oman” organised by Curtin university, Dubai on 9-10 Dec, 2023.


  • Dr. Dharmasa: Technical Program Committee member, for 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering,Conference Date: 28th to 29th April, 2022 IEEE Conference Record No.: #53722,
  • Dr. Ramakrishnakumar authored a book titled “Fundamentals of Information Technology” published by Scholars’ Press, ISBN: 9786138969280
  • Dr. Satish initiated a link for collaborative research in the field of Applications of Power Electronics to Power Systems with Dr. Mohsen Gitizadeh, Professor of Power system engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology, Iran.
  • Dr Dharmasa has been invited to take part in the TECHNICAL COMMITTEE of 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering

    Conference Date: 28th to 29th April, 2022, IEEE Conference Record No.: #53722, IEEE Conference,Technical Committee (,

  • Dr Dharmasa of ECE Department has invited as a speaker to an International Conference on Emerging Digital Library Platforms: Shaping Digital Transformation and National Data Exchange, Aug. 9-12, 2022 (ICEDLP) going to heald at Platinum Jubilee Auditorium, Indian Statistical Institute, Bengaluru – 560 059 India
  • Mr. Imad Al Naimi: Special Recognition: Mr. Imad Al Naimi, a faculty member of Electrical and Communication Engineering was awarded the title ‘Excellent Tutor and Mentor’ for the Huawei Competition by the Huawei Co. LLC.
  • Dr. Ramakrishnakumar
    Book : Dr. Ramakrishnakumar, a faculty member of Electrical and Communication Engineering authored a book titled “Fundamentals of Information Technology” published by Scholars’ Press, ISBN: 9786138969280
  • Kenneth E. Okedu
    Book : Kenneth E. Okedu Edited the book “Management and Applications of Energy Storage Devices”, INTECHOPEN, 2022
  • Dr. K. Suresh Manic received a Scholastic award for the paper titled “IoT based smart wheel chair for disabled people”, from IEEE conference ICSCAN -2021, Manakula vinayagar institute of Technology at Pondicherry India.
  • Dr .K. Suresh Manic received a scholastic award for the paper title “Healthcare framework for risk analysis of hypertension’, from IEEE conference ICSCAN -2021, Manakula vinayagar institute of Technology at Pondicherry India
  • Dr. K. Suresh Manic
    Book: Dr K.Suresh Manic edited the Book titled ‘Medical Image Evaluation with Joint Segmentation and Classification-CRC,Press, Taylor and Francis group
  • Dr. K. Suresh Manic received Research Excellence in Engineering and Technologies institutions award in 2021 by ICTSEM, Journal of MC Square Scientific Research , for best contribution in academic as well research and development activity.
  • Dr. K. Suresh Manic received Best staff Research presentation award at the NU Research day 2022.
  • Dr. Ali Bimani, Dr. K .Suresh Manic, Mr. Nizamuddin, Dr. Feras Al Attar and Mr. Imad.
    Projects funding:Received project fund of 20, 000 OMR from MOHERI-TRC/RG (BFP/RGP/EHR/21/347) for the title “Artificial Intelligence driven Gen Alpha education guidance indicator to craft quality citizens in the Sultanate of oman’, Team members: Dr.Ali Bimani, Dr.K.Suresh Manic, Mr. Nizamuddin, Dr Feras Al Attar and Mr Imad.
  • Dr. K.Suresh Manic from Department of ECE received NU best researcher award for 2021-2022 on NU day
  • Ms. Shaikha Mohammed AL Jahdhami from department of ECE received NU best support academic staff award for 2021-2022 on NU day.
  • Team members -Principal Investigator-Dr. K. Suresh Manic, Co-PI-Dr Ali Bimani, Co-Investigators-Dr .Hamood, Mr. Ali Al Mahruqi and Mr. Imad Al Naimi, Other members: Mr. Ragavesh and Mr. Varghese BFP/RGP/EI/22/239- Received RG Project funded by MOHERI Oman for the Title: “Development of an Artificial intelligent based UAV system for agricultural applications in the sultanate of Oman, to increase production while assuring safety and security for farmers”, for the academic year 2022-2023 (two years duration) for 20,000/- (Twenty thousand) OMR.
  • Team members -Principal Investigator-Mr. Saleh Al Araimi, Supervisor-Dr. K. Suresh Manic. BFP/GRG/HSS/22/064-Received GRG Project funded by MOHERI Oman for the title : Brain Tumor detection and classification using deep convolutional neural network via transfer learning for medical centers in Oman, for the academic year 2022-2023 (two years duration) for 3,000/- (Three thousand) OMR.
  • Under the supervision of Dr. Mansoor Ali K.P
    NUSRG/22/CE/0003: Saif Hilal Saif Hamid Al Jassasi, Anafal Sulaiman Ahmed Al Alawi & Ghadeer Nasser Saif Al Rawahi of level 3 Computer Engineering received NU Research Grant (NRG) for their project: “Automated Contactless SARS CoronaVirus Detection from Cough Sound Pattern Samples Using Machine Learning”
  • Team Members: Principal Investigator-Dr. Satish, Co-PI- Dr Syed Rizwan, Co-Investigators- Mr. Saleh Al Araimi, Mr Mohammad Kunhamu Other Members: Mr Khalifa
    Received RG Project funded by MOHERI Oman for the Title: “Reliability Analysis and Condition Monitoring of an Electrical Power Substation for enhanced Quality and Continuity of Services in Power Sector of Sultanate of Oman”, for the academic year 2022-2023 (two years duration) for 15,700 OMR.
  • Dr. K. Suresh Manic has been awarded the BEST NU Researcher award 2021-22 on NU DAY, Dec, 2022.
  • Dr. K. Suresh Manic has received the Best Staff research presentation award at the NU research day, October 2022
  • Dr. K. Suresh Manic is appointed as Guest editor for IJEER( International journal of Electrical and Electronics research) special issue, SCOPUS 2022, OCTOBER.
  • Dr.K. Suresh Manic is appointed as Editorial Board member of PriMera Scientific Engineering International Journal, ISSN:2834-2550 from 2022 October onwards.
  • Dr. K. Suresh Manic is appointed as Editor board member for International Journal of Emerging Technology and Research ISSN:2347-5900
  • Dr. Dharmasa is invited as a Key- Note Speaker of “ International COnference on Emmerring Digital Transformation and National Data Exchange”, Indian Statistical Institute, Government of India held on 9-12 Aug 2022 Bangalore, India.
  • Dr. Dharmasa was invited as Judge of the Panel of “STAI- 2022, Muscat Oman”, Indian Schools of Oman, held on 3rd Sep 2022
  • Dr. Dharmasa is invited as Chief Guest for International Seminar on “ Green Initiative for library” at Vellalar College of Women, Erode TN, India
  • Dr. Dharmasa is invited as Keynote Speaker at 5th National COnference on “Emerging Trends In Power, Energy and Control ETPCE”, Vignan University, Vijayawada, A.P India.
  • Dr. Dharmasa is invited as External Examiner, for Evaluation of Students Projects on 21 Dec 2022 by Asst. Dean for Administration and Final Affairs, University of Technology and Applied Science, Muscat, Oman.
  • Dr .K.Suresh Manic has reviewed more than 10 papers for journals like International Journal of research and Advanced Technology, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience-Hindawi, Computational and Mathematical Medicine-Hindawi journals.
  • Dr. K. Suresh Manic has reviewed the book for CRC press on title Medical Data Assessment using Deep-Learning Schemes
  • Dr. Dharmasa reviewed PhD Thesis “ Application and Analysis of Drone for large sector Agriculture”of Vignan University, India.
  • Dr. Okedu K act as a Technical speaker on the topic “Solar PVs in Oman Power Network: Internal Dynamic Failures and Smart Grid Opportunities” in the NU Symposium 2022 on Technology andApplications of Solar Energy in Sultanate of Oman in line with Oman’s Vision 2040 to linkAcademia and Industries, held on 14 th November, 2022 at the College of Engineering, National University of Science and Technology, Sultanate of Oman.
  • Dr Dharmasa act as a Technical speaker on the topic “Cost Effective Analysis of Solar and Wind Power in Oman” in the NU Symposium 2022 on Technology and Applications of Solar Energy inSultanate of Oman in line with Oman’s Vision 2040 to link Academia and Industries, held on 14 th November, 2022 at the College of Engineering, National University of Science and Technology, Sultanate of Oman.
  • Dr Dharmasa acts as a Technical Speaker Vellarar Engineering College, on 12th Aug 2022 the topic “ Energy and Its cost Benefit Analysis to be a Best Entrepreneur ”, under IEEE student chapter-VECT, Region -10.India.


Dr Dharmasa, has nominated as one of the Board of Director for the Green Ingenious Business,, for the CIN:U72400UP2021PTC152832

Dr Dharmasa PhD thesis “Evaluator” for Regd. No. 161PG06201: 2021 year selected by the DEPT. OF ELECTRICAL &D ELECTRONICS ENGG VIGNAN’S FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE, TECH. & RESEARCH( Deemed to be University), VADLAMUDI, – 522 213, A. P, INDIA

Dr Dharmasa as an Technical Advisor for an international-level technical fest, TECH-NEXUS-2k22, held on Jan 8 and Jan 9, 2022, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.

Mr Ali Abdullah Hamed Al Mahruqi: The National University of Science and Technology was named the winner of the CLOUD TECH award at the Future Skills and HRD conference on December 6, 2021, held in Crown Plaza

IEEE Events

  1. IEEEnational  student branch gave technical support  from Dr Dharmasa, IEEE Senior member  and Mr Abdulrahman Siddig, IEEE Student Member,associated with 1st International Conference on gold-infrastructure and food, held on 17th Aug 2024 at VP Golden Mahal, Maduai, TN India.
  2. On 3rd  March 2024, Dr Dharmasa, IEEE Branch Counselor Delivered  talk on” How to join and its benefits of IEEE Professional Body ”for ECE programs  students at CRI : 46, Al Hail Campus.
  3. On 3rd  March 2024, Dr Dharmasa, IEEE Branch Counselor Delivered  talk on” How to join and its benefits of IEEE Professional Body ”for Electrical Power Engineering  programs  students at R- Building at  Al Hail Campus.
  4. On 11th  March 2024, Dr Dharmasa, IEEE Branch Counselor Delivered  talk on” How to join and its benefits of IEEE Professional Body ”for Computer Engineering  programs  students at R- Building at  Al Hail Campus.

Other Events

  1. Dr K.Suresh Manic and Dr Feras Received consultancy project from AlSiraj Holdings “Study on Health effects of Mobile phone towers near residential areas” for the academic year 2024-25 (8 months duration) for 3800/-OMR- (Three thousand eight hundred)-Principal Investigator. NU/ ALSIRAJ/RC/2024/003
  2. Dr K.Suresh Manic was the Co-Chairperson in the Technical Paper Presentation Session IV, Maritime Sustainability in the AMET Global Maritime Summit (AGMS) 2024 organized by Dr.J.Ramachandran Maritime Foundation and AMET University, Chennai, India during 02nd July 2024.Department of ECE, supported a one day symposium on Technology and Applications of Solar Energy on 14th November 2023, Dr Dharmasa Coconverner of the event.
  3. Dr. Satish Tanavade delivered an online workshop for the Level-2 and Level-3 students of CoE on “Awareness of Funded Research Opportunities” on 27 Feb 2023.
  4. Ragavesh D.has delivered an invited talk on ‘Implementation of facial mask detection and verification of vaccination certificate using Jetson Xavier kit’ on 22/03/23 at AlZhara College for Women, Sultanate of Oman.
  5. Shaikha AL Jahdhami has attended Symposium on New Generations of AI Technologies organized by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology at Crowne Plaza Hotel.
  6. An online Guest lecture delivered by Athar Azeez on title “Z-Transform and its Applications” on 18th May 2023 for Electrical and Electronics Engineering students from University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Muscat.