This site directs to Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM), covering a number of disciplines and activities such as:
The link Contains tutorials, tips and tricks on Pro Engineer Wilfire release 5.0
The site link provides the ANSYS Fluent V12.1 learning modules from Cornell University
The link directs to the online version of Mechanical Engineering Magazine. This magazine is from the award-winning flagship publication of ASME (the American Society of Mechanical Engineers). This being published since 1880, Mechanical Engineering magazine provides an interdisciplinary view of engineering and is a recognized sourcebook and tool for navigating today’s engineering challenges as well as tomorrow’s breakthrough technologies.
The International Association of Engineers (IAENG) is a non-profit international association for the engineers and the computer scientists. It provides free memberhip to faculty deans, department heads, professors, research scientists/engineers, experienced software development directors and engineers, and university postgraduate and undergraduate students etc., from over one hundred different countries.
The Society of Manufacturing Engineers is the world’s leading professional society advancing manufacturing knowledge and influencing more than half a million manufacturing practitioners annually.
This site has links to free e books
Presentation of selected undergraduate projects from Indiana University
Receive free e-mailed updates of conferences matching your interests, available dates and preferred destinations.
The link contains the matlab tutorials
You can download free CAD/CAM software from this site
This site has link to Project Gutenberg which offers over 36,000 free ebooks to download to your PC.
Links to official website of ANSYS
Links to official website of Pro Engineer
Site for getting fundamentals of Engineering
Good video on the synthesis of ideas in the literature review