Emphasis is laid on experimentation as part of module delivery. This aids in putting to use concepts and principles embedded through classroom teaching and in their verification. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has at its disposal the following laboratories:
The Department houses a CAD laboratory with a variety of software most of which are accessible from anywhere on the campus through a local area network and wireless network connection. Some software* specific to use by students of Civil Engineering are available at the Civil CAD laboratory. Additionally, students are allowed access to any of the computing laboratories in the college at pre-determined times outside of teaching hours.
The college Library and Information Services Centre has a well-stocked library with a variety of learning and teaching resources including audio-visual resources. Access to the library is flexible designed to suit students’ requirements at different times during the academic year.
Specific to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the resources at the library include the following:
Following journals are available in the Civil Engineering section at the library: