Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering (ECE)

Research Activities at ECE

About Research

Members of staff and students are collaborating together in research activities apart from learning and teaching, this includes attending conferences, publishing papers in journals and conferences, participating in project competitions, participating in research grants offered by Oman Government, and National University. Below are the key area of research undertaken by the department.


  1. Cloud Computing
  2. Ad hoc networking
  3. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
  4. Internet of Things
  5. Robotics
  6. Renewable Energy
  7. Image Processing
  8. High Voltage
  9. Cryptography and Network Security
  10. Real-World Applications of Digital Signal Processing and Importance of Digital Signal Processing
  11. Emerging of 5G
  12. Applications of Image Processing (Bio-medical / security / land surveying / etc)
  13. Transmission and Distribution etc

Research Activities

Research Grant

NO Code No Call No Scheme Project College Approved Budget Principal Investigator Co-Prinicipal Investigator Co-Investigators Other  Team Member
1 BFP/RGP/EI/22/433 22 RG Deep learning-based real-time drill condition monitoring using acoustic emission. COE 20,000 Rajakannu, Dr.Amuthakkannan K.P, Ramachandran 1-K, Vijayalakshmi
2-Pacturan, Rene
3-Al Hadi, Mabahij
4-Al Tubi, Moammer
5-Abubacker, K. M.
2 BFP/RGP/EI/22/434 22 RG Reliability analysis and condition monitoring of an electrical power substation for enhanced quality and continuity of services in the power sector of the Sultanate of Oman COE 15,700 Suresh Tanavade, Dr Satish Syed Mohd, Rizwan 1-Taj, Syed Zegham
2-Kunhamu, Muhammed
3-Alaraimi, Saleh
3 BFP/RGP/EI/22/239 22 RG Development of an Artificial Intelligent (AI) based UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) system for agricultural applications in the Sultanate of Oman, to increase production while assuring safety and security for farmers COE 20,000 Kesavan, SureshManic Al Bimani, Ali 1-Al Mahruqi , Ali Abdullah
2-Al Naimi, Imad
 1-Dhandapani, Ragavesh
2-Joy, Varghese
4 BFP/RGP/EI/21/337 21 RG Wadi Dayqah Dam as a Mega Battery and Renewable Energy Resource for Oman CoE 7,500 Karimi, Akbar   1-Suresh Tanavade, Dr Satish
2- Saba, Qudsia
5 BFP/RGP/EI/21/273 21 RG An Investigation on Eco Friendly Self-Compacting Concrete Using Locally Available Spent Catalyst and Development of Structural Elements. CoE 20,000 Ramadoss, Dr. R.Balamuralikrishnan Al Sadeq, Hafez kaleem, Asima  
3-Alaraimi, Saleh
Total Amount



Ongoing Project

NO Code No Call No Scheme Project College Approved Budget Principal Investigator Co-Prinicipal Investigator Co-Investigators Supervisor
1 BFP/GRG/HSS/22/064 22 GRG Brain tumor detection and classification using deep conventional neural network via transfer learning algorithms for medical centers in oman CoE 3,000 Alaraimi, Saleh     Kesavan, SureshManic


Title of the patent:  A system for preventing corona-virus transmission
Patent case number: DE 20 2021 103 396.7
Country of the patent: Deutsches Germany
Authors: Agrawal, Amit, Meerut, IN; Aladiyan, Ambikapathy, Greater Noida, IN; Dinesh, Supriya, Bhopal, IN; Garg, Setu, Greater Noida, IN; Koul, Sunit, Hamirpur, IN; Ohene-Akoto, Justice, Ghana, GH; , P, Dharmasa, Muscat, OMAN , NATIONAL UNIVERSITY; Rakshit, Pushpendu, Mumbai, IN; Ramamurthy, Swaminathan, Tamil Nadu, IN; Singh, Akhilesh, Uttarakhand, IN; Verma, Kimmi, Noida, IN
Title of the patent: Development of CNN scheme for COVID 19 disease detection using chest radiograph
Patent Number: 2021104727 (Australian Patent Granted)
Patent Grant Date: 22/10/2021
Inventors: K.Suresh manic, Roshima Biju, V.Rajinikanth and Uma Suresh Manic,
Title of the patent In-House/Remote Patient Monitoring scheme for COVID-19 disease infected patient using internet of things through cloud environment
Patent case number 202021105877
Country of the patent German
Inventors K.Suresh manic, . Ali Abdullah Hamed Al Mahruqi, R. Amuthakkannan, D.Ragavesh and V.Rajinikanth
Title of the patent A System for Preventing Corono Virus Transmission
Patent case number DE 20 2021 103 396.7
Country of the patent Deutsch’s Germany
Co-inventor Dr. Dharmasa
Title of the patent Development of CNN scheme for COVID 19 disease detection using chest radiograph
Patent case number 2021104727
Country of the patent Australia.
Co-inventor Dr. Suresh Manic and Roshima Biju
Title of the patent ‘In-House/Remote Patient Monitoring scheme for COVID-19 disease infected patient using internet of things through cloud environment’.
Patent case number 202021105877
Country of the patent Germany
Inventors Dr. Suresh Manic, Ali Abdullah Al Mahruqi, Dr. Amuthakkannan, Ragavesh and V. Rajinikanth



  • The proposal submitted for a short course on “Electromagnetic propagation and Devices’ for the Royal Navy of Oman has been accepted during the month of September 2021 to conduct the course from 21 / 11/ 2021 to 02 / 12 / 2021.
  • Short course on Electromagnetic Propagation and Devices for the Royal Navy of Oman Engineers conducted from 14th November 2021 to 25th November 2021 by Gani Basheer Ahamed, Mr. Nadarajan, Dr. Feras Al Attar and Mr. Athar Azeez.
  • Mr D Ragavesh had delivered a lecture on “Programming the IoT using Raspberry Pi with Java” for Masters students of Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai on 26th November 2021.
  • Dr Dharmasa, IEEE Branch Counsellor has been invited to deliver a talk on “ ONLINE INDUSTRY SET-UP FOR AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS” GALGOTIA- UNIVERSITY INDIA, sponsored by AICTE (All -India Council for Technical Education)- ISTE (INDIAN SOCIETY OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION) on Refresher Program titled “ A strategic Awareness about Startups and Emerging Business Opportunities 
  • Dr K.Suresh Manic, conducted a SDW on Dec, 2,2021 on the topic : AI techniques for Covid-19 detection.
  • Dr Ramakrishna Kumar submitted a training proposal on AWS Certified DevOps Engineer Training Course under staff development.
  • Dr Dharmasa and Dr Muralidhar are requested under IEEE student branch to visit the High Voltage Dielectric Lab at High College of Technology to train EPE students on testing techniques.
  • Ms Shaikha AL Jahdhami has submitted a training proposal on CCNA under staff development.
  • Mr D Ragavesh, Mr Michael Angelo Duca Perera and Ms Prekerthi Panikar conducted a “Report Writing Workshop” for College of Engineering students on 14/10/2021.
  • Mr D Ragavesh conducted a workshop “An introduction to AI and Machine learning, data science” through staff development workshop on 24/10/2021.


  • On Tuesday, March 8th , 2022 a IEEE Technical Talk by “Prof. Hossein Seifi, Head, Iran Power System Engineering Research Center (IPSERC), Tarbiat Modares University. Tehran/Iran, on title ”Power System Planning Issues, Present and Future” under NU_IEEE STB:63551, (mode : on-line).
  • On 28th Feb 2021, IEEE student membership- Online registration event for Level =04 Telecommunication Studentsat venue Room: AOO1, College of EngineerinG Campus By Dr Dharmasa, IEEE Counselor and Sr. Member
  • Dr. Satish Tanavade: Participated in ABET advanced workshop organized at CoE-NUST from Feb 6-9, 2022
  • Dr. Satish Tanavade: Conducted an Online students’ workshop on Creating awareness of Funded Research Opportunities on 27 Feb 2022
  • Basheer Ahamed Gani: participated in ABET Advanced Program Assessment workshop at CoE_NUST from Feb 6- 9 . 2022.
  • On 8th March 2022, IEEE- ONLINE-TECHNICAL TALK is organized by NU STUDENT BRANCH. OMAN and TOPIC “Power System Planning Issues, Present and Future” is delivered by Prof. Hossein Seifi Tabiat Modares University, Iran
  • On 28th March 2022, face to face TECHNICAL TALK is organised by NU STUDENT BRANCH. OMAN Environment, on topic Sustainability and Role of Solar Energy and it is delivered by Engr. Anjum Raza Khan, Global Axis Oman
  • Mr D Ragavesh, Mr Michael Angelo Duca Perera and Ms Prekerthi Panikar conducted a “Report writing Workshop” for College of Engineering students on 31/03/2022.
  • Dr Dharmasa has been invited to deliver a talk on “Impact of renewable to minimize cost energy per unit” on 30th April 2022 at GIB- Green Award Ceremony talks at GRT-GRAND, Convention Center, Chennai-India.
  • Department of ECE, Conducted first International Symposium on Applications of AI on November,2, 2022, Jointly with Shiraz university, Iran
  • Department of ECE hosted a guest lecture on Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) delivered by Dr Chandirasekaran Doraikannu, Sohar Aluminium on 16th November 2022.
    Best project competition was organized at college level, on 13th Decemeber 2022, in which 24 final year students participated form ECE department
  • Online Guest lecture delivered by Athar Azeez on title “Stability Analysis of Continuous-time and Discrete-time systems” on 22nd December 2022 for Electrical and Electronics Engineering students from University of Technology and Applied Sciences,Muscat.