This site has information about Civil Engineering Schools and Universities World Wide, Subject- Based Resources within building & construction, civil engineering databases information services, directories, Building codes/standards in 15 countries, Civil Engineering Journals for table of contents, abstracts, biographies of some famous civil and structural engineers.
Department of Energy, Hanford web site supporting programs in waste management, environmental science restoration and energy. Also features searchable Database and links to other related web sites.
Consulting firm specializing in energy applications, earth sciences, environmental and defense – related issues.
Enviro Link is a non-profit organization. It provides the most comprehensive, up-to-date environmental resources available.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Geneva
Contains many treaties and programs on preserving the environment. Includes information on topics including the “ Convention on Biodiversity”, climate change, endangered species and toxic chemicals. Global Resource Information Database (GRID) is also available in this site for browsing.
Environment of the WWW
This site tries to link only to non-commercial environment related sites covering specifies topics like i) Waste, Soil, Composting and Recycling resources, ii) Clean Technology, iii) Environmental Clean Production, iv) International Environmental governments and v) Interesting sites for libraries .
AEC Infocentre
It provides a large body of information and resources for architects and construction engineers. Users can find technical information regarding home construction, architecture product information, architectural firms, professional associations, schools and construction firms.
It covers Architecture, Engineering , Mathematics, Physical Science journals. Indexes of journal articles can be accessed.
A media intensive site, Design Architecture presents work and information on the recent work of contemporary architects and designers. Also includes many images, audio clips and even VRML models of some projects. ( Electronic Journals of Architecture & Design).
Maintained by the University of Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning, the Planning and Architecture Internet Resource Centre contains more than 1200 links to architecture oriented and planning related sites, resources and files all over the Internet.
The WWW Virtual Library: Architecture
Based at the University of Toronto’s school of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, this segment of the WWW Virtual Library features pointers and links to an enormous variety of online architectural resources, including engineering, modeling, conferences, events and courses as well as architecture firms, schools and more.
Bright Visions Architecture:
Instructs you in the design of your house plans.
AIA Online: American Institute of Architects:
Architect Store
SC Solutions has created this home page as a service to the worldwide bridge engineering community. The aim of this is to link all bridge engineering related subject matter on the net.
Take a look at the current issue’s table of contents, and read abstracts. Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers.…-construction-Engineering.html
This site has also many subdivision like bridge engineering, Construction Information Sources, Construction Engineering Research Labs etc.
The builders business news provides Internet based news services to the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry
This is Advanced Highway Maintenance and Construction Technology home page. This page gives the information about structure of roadways, roadsides, safety and markers & signs.
This journal can be accessed freely. Content pages and Full text of articles can be downloaded in HTML format and PDF format. It is available from 1996.
It is site of Structural Software Inc, a professional structural engineering software development organization. Many demo software are available in this site.
The concrete design program of STRAP identifies automatically the continuous beams and columns in the model, their span lengths and supports widths.
This is Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory’s home page. Proficiency sample program available for portland cement, blended cement, masonry cement, concrete, and masonry mortar.
Hydraulics Engineering
This is School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology’s home page. This site has information about research activities, seminars, continuing education.
Information about its project, including head cut erosion and a concentrated-flow erosion, rocj – chute design
Civil Engineering Bibliographic Database is available for free access. This site is developed by Civil and Geodetic engineering Department, Ljubljani University.
Foundation Engineering
26.Foundation Design:
The foundation design depends on greenhouse style, climate, site situation, desired thermal efficiency.
27.Geotechnical Projects:
Typical Geo-technical Engineering projects are listed here.
This is the home page for the Foundation for Interior Design Education Research (FIDER). It promotes excellence in interior design education through and the accreditation of academic programs which prepare interior.
29.Geotechnical Control in Marble Areas:
Hong Kong Government’s Civil Engineering Department site. It has information about geo-technical control in marble areas foundation design and construction in marble areas superficial deposits.