Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering




  1. Dr K.Suresh Manic has been appointed as international advisory committee member for the 2nd International Conference on Advanced technology in Engineering and Management-ICATEM 2024, March 18-25,2024 at Dubai and Abu Dhabi, organised by Saveetha Engineering College, chennai, Tamilnadu.Dr K.Suresh
  2. Manic has been appointed as international advisory committee member for the first International Conference on “Developments in Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment and Early Intervention through Cutting-Edge Technologies” (INCDAD 2024) in August 2024, organized by Kalasalingam University, Tamilnadu, India.
  3. Published by Dr Ramakrishna: Leena Arya; Yogesh Kumar Sharma; Ramakrishna Kumar, 13 March 2024. Maximizing IoT Security: An Examintion of Cryptographic Algorithms. Publisher: IEEE, ISBN Information: Electronic ISBN:979-8-3503-5776-9 Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:979-8-3503-5777-6. ([
  4. Published by Dr Ramakrishna: Ramakrishna Kumar M.V.N.M; Vibhoo Sharma; Keshav Gupta; Abhishek Jain; Bhanu Priya; M. S. R. Prasad,  26 January 2024.Performance Evaluation and Comparison of Clustering Algorithms for Social Network Dataset. Published in: 2023 6th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I). Publisher: IEEE. (
  5. Reviewed by Dr Ramakrishna : Ms. No. IJDM-D-23-01679 Enhancing Fault Classification in Compressor Systems using Machine Learning approach, International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
  6. Reviewed by Dr Ramakrishna : “An Adaptive Mobility-Aware Secure Handover and Scheduling Protocol for Earth Observation (EO) Communication using Fog Computing”,  recently reviewed for Earth Science Informatics.
  7. Ragavesh Dhandapani has been recognized as one of the Outstanding Reviewers for the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement for the year 2023.
  8. Ragavesh Dhandapani reviewed one paper for the Structural Control and Health Monitoring journal and six papers for the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement journal during the period from 1 January 2024 to 15 March 2024.
  9. Ragavesh Dhandapani presented a paper titled “IoT-Enabled Street Dustbin Monitoring System Based on Machine Learning.” at The Second International Conference on Environmental Sciences and Engineering for Sustainable Development (ESESD2024), Sohar, Sultanate of Oman on 6th March 2024. The work will be published in IOP conference proceedings, indexed by SCOPUS.
  10. Dharmasa, reviewed “Performance Enhancement of PV powered Switched Reluctance Motor Driven Marine Propulsion system using Intelligent controllers and Power converters”ICAT 2024
  11. Ragavesh Dhandapani has reviewed three journal papers of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2 papers) and IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (1 paper).
  12. Dr D. Ragavesh reviewed twenty-one manuscripts (Feb’24-Sep’24), including four manuscripts in the Electric Power Systems Research Journal, sixteen manuscripts in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Journal and a manuscript in Structural Control & Health Monitoring. Source: (Yet to be updated)
  13. Dr Satish published following research paper: Ganesh Nagraj Patil, Satish Suresh Tanavade, “Eco-Friendly Energy Efficient Classrooms and Sustainable Campus Strategies: A Case Study on Energy Management and Carbon Footprint Reduction”, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy (IJEEP), 14(3), pp 188-197, May 2024 (SCOPUS indexed Quartile-1)
  14. Imad Saud Al Naimi, Syed Alwee Aljunid bin Syed Junid, Muhammad lmran bin Ahmad, K.Suresh Manic “Automatic Finding of Brain-Tumour Group using CNN Segmentation and Moth-Flame-Algorithm Selected Deep and Handcrafted Features, Computers, Materials & Continua, 79(2), 2585-2608., 15 may 2024, Trans Science press, Scopus Q3, SCI IF 3.1.-simats
  15. Inam Ullah, Deepak Adhikari, Farhad Ali, Ahmad Ali, Habib Khan, Amin Sharafian, Suresh Manic Kesavan and Xiaoshan Bai, Revolutionizing E-commerce with consumer driven energy efficient WSNs: A multi-characteristics approach. IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, Q1. IF 4.3, DOI: 10.1109/TCE.2024.3411606, print ISSN  00983063, online 1558-4127
  16. Mohammad Shabaz, Muhammad Attique Khan, Ameer Hamza, Seifeine Kadry, Saddaf Rubab, Muhammad Abdullah Bilal, Muhammad Naeem Akbar and Suresh Manic Kesavan,” Multiclass Skin Lesion Classification using Deep Learning Networks Optimal Information Fusion”, Discover applied sciences, 6, 300 (2024), 30 May 2024, WOS, SCOPUS, IF 2.6, Springer nature publisher-PP 1-13
  17. Muhammad Attique Khan , Ambreen Shah; Ahmed Alzahrani; Nasser Alalwan; Ameer Hamza; Suresh Manic; Yudong Zhang; Robertas Damasevicius, ‘FuzzyShallow: A Framework of Deep Shallow Neural Networks and Modified Tree Growth Optimization for Agriculture Land Cover and Fruit Disease Recognition from Remote Sensing and Digital Imaging”, Measurement Journal, Elsevier, 237 (2024) 115224, ISSN 0263-2241, (, 2nd July 2024, pp 1-18, IF 5.6, WOS, SCOPUS, Q1
  18. Dhanalekshmi Unnikrishnan Meenakshi, Suresh Manic Kesavan, ArulPrakash Francis and Shah Alam Khan, ‘Quantum computing concepts and approaches in drug discovery development and delivery’ Drug delivery system using Quantum computing, Wiley publishing book Chapter 1, July 2024.1-26 pages, Scopus  and WoS
  19. K. Suresh Manic*, Ali Al Bimani, NizamudinA.A,  Amal A.A and G.Balaji “Optimizing Academic Journey for High Schoolers in Oman: A Machine Learning-Enabled AI Model” International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE 2023), 23-24 November 2023, UPES, Dehradun, India, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier. 235(2024). 2716-2729, June 1,2024
  20. Saleh, Imad AL Naimi, K.Suresh Manic,  Nasreya Al Hinai, Samiya Al Sukaili “Enhancing Brain Tumor Assessment: A Comprehensive Approach using Computerized Diagnostic Tool and Advanced MRI Techniques” International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering (ICMLDE 2023), 23-24 November 2023, UPES, Dehradun, India, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier 235(2024). 3350-3368, June 1,2024 – Corresponding Author
  21. Ragavesh Dhandapani presented a paper titled “IoT-Enabled Street Dustbin Monitoring System Based on Machine Learning”, on 6th March 2024 at the 2nd international conference ESESD2024, Sohar, Oman.


  1. Asiya, S.I. and Pal, K., 2022. Bio-Inspired Self-Assembly Green Nanomaterials for Multifunctional Applications. In Green Nanomaterials: Sustainable Technologies and Applications (pp. 1-28). CRC Press.
  2. Asiya, S.I. and Pal, K., 2022. Introduction of ZnO nanomaterial integration nanospikes to nanocombs dispersed into HBLCs phase transition and novel switching. In Functional Materials Processing for Switchable Device Modulation (pp. 3-22). Woodhead Publishing.
  3. Krishna Jyothi, Kalyani G, K _SriLaxmi and Dharmasa “A Grey Wolf Integrated with Jaya Optimization based Route Selection in IoT network” at IEEE_ICACITE 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Tech- IEEE Ref. No.53722.Galgotia University India.
  4. Samiya Al-Shukaily and Mahalingam, “Wireless Security Case Study” at the Journal of Applied Sciences, Technology and Innovation (JASTi),Volume 1; Issue: 1,Published on: 20/01/2022.University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Sur.
  5. Samiya Al-Shukaily and Nasser S. Al-Azwani, “Router Forensics Procedure as a Practical DF Case Study” at the Journal of Applied Sciences, Technology and Innovation (JASTi),Volume 1; Issue: 1,Published on: 20/01/2022.University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Sur.
  6. Samiya Al-Shukaily and Nasser S. Al-Azwani, “Digital Forensic as a Corner Stone in Protecting Institutional Cyber Rights” at the Journal of Applied Sciences, Technology and Innovation (JASTi),Volume 1; Issue: 1,Published on: 20/01/2022.University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Sur.
  7. Saif A. Omairi, Kenneth E. Okedu, and Maryam Al Balushi, “Overview of Oman Power Transmission System and Protection Schemes for Effective Energy Management in Smart Grid Operations”, Frontiers in Energy Research-Smart Grids, 10(724501):1-11, 2022. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.724501.
  8. M. Odje R. Uhunmwangho, and Kenneth E. Okedu, “Aggregated Technical Commercial and Collection Loss Mitigation Through a Smart Metering Application Strategy”, Frontiers in Energy Research-Smart Grids, 9(703265):1-12, 2022. DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2021.703265.
  9. M. J. Mokarram, M. Gitizadeh, T. Niknam, and Kenneth E. Okedu, “A decentralized granular-based method to analyze multi-area energy management systems including DGs, batteries and electric vehicle parking lots”, The Journal of Energy Storage, Elsevier, 42(103128):1-10, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.est.2021.103128.
  10. Kalbani, R., & Gani,B.A. (2022). Feasibility study of Solar and Wind energy Hybrid model for powering Highway lights in Oman In M. Shelley, I. Chiang,& O.T. Ozturk (Eds.), Proceedings of ICRES2022—International Conference on Research in Education and Science (pp. CRES070), Antalya, TURKEY. ISTES Organization.
  11. Jorani, A & Gani,B.A (2022) , IoT based Smart Health System 3rd IEEE SYP National level Congress 2022,Oman.
  12. Ragavesh, D & Sara Al Ghafri. (2022), Implementation of facial mask detection and verification of vaccination certificate using Jetson Xavier kit, 1st Environmental Science and Engineering for a Sustainable Development Conference 2022, Oman.
  13. Kenneth E. Okedu Edited the book “Management and Applications of Energy Storage Devices”, INTECHOPEN, 2022.
  14. Hilal A. Fadhil, Feras N. Hasoon, Qusay S. Hamad, Hussein Kazem, Phase Carrier approach based on Optical CDMA Systems, Applied computing journal.
  15. Feras N. Hasoon, Mustafa Khalaf Aal Thani, Hilal A Fadhil, Geetha Achuthan and K.Suresh Manic “Design Smart Curtain Using Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)” in 5th Springer International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems,2022 Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India.
  16. Geetha Achuthan, Seifedine Kadry K. Suresh manic and Maytham N.Meqdad “Automatic Classification of Histology Images into Normal/Cancer Class with Pre-Trained CNN” 2022 Eighth International Virtual conference on Biosignals, Images and Instrumentation” 2022 Eighth International virtual conference on Biosignals, Images and Instrumentation (ICBSII), 16-18 march,2022, Chennai, India.
  17. K. Suresh manic, Seifedine Kadry, Roshima Biju and Gangadharam Balaji “Detection of Pneumonia in Chest X-Ray with Bat-Algorithm Selected Deep and Handcrafted Features” 2022 Eighth International virtual conference on Biosignals, Images and Instrumentation (ICBSII), 16-18 march,2022, Chennai, India.
  18. Satish Suresh Tanavade, Seifedine Kadry, K. Suresh manic and Gangadharam Balaji “Extraction and Assessment of COVID19 Infection in Lung CT Images Using VGG-UNet” 2022 Eighth International virtual conference on Biosignals, Images and Instrumentation (ICBSII), 16-18 march,2022, Chennai, India.
  19. Feras Nadhim Hasoon Al Attar, Seifedine Kadry, K. Suresh manic and Maytham N.Meqdad “Automatic Detection of Ischemic-Stroke-Lesion with CNN Segmentation: A Study” 2022 Eighth International virtual conference on Biosignals, Images and Instrumentation (ICBSII), 16-18 march,2022, Chennai, India.
  20. Nandhini Abirami R , Durai Raj Vincent P M, Kathiravan Srinivasan, K. Suresh Manic and Chuan-Yu Chang, ‘Multimodal Medical Image Fusion of Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Generative Adversarial Networks’ Journal- Behavioural Neurology, Volume 2022, Article ID 6878783, 1-12 pages. Hindawi publishers SCOPUS IF- 3.342, cite score 3.9 Q1 Ranking.
  21. Ahmed Al-Abri, Waleed Khalil, Kenneth E. Okedu, “Electricity Sector of Oman and Prospects of Advanced Metering Infrastructures”, International Journal of Smart Grid, vol.6, no. 1, pp. 1-12, 2022.
  22. Saif A. Omairi, Kenneth E. Okedu, and Maryam Al Balushi, “Dynamics of a Smarter Grid Operation in the Current Power Situation of Oman”, International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 151-173, 2022.
  23. Kenneth E. Okedu, Hind Barghash and Husam AL Nadabi, “Sustainable waste management strategies for effective energy utilization in Oman: A review”, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology vol. 10(825728):1-15, DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2022.825728, 2022.
  24. Abdullah A Hussain, Forat Yasir Al Jaberi and Feras N Hasson ,’The conductivity of AC, loss tangent and relative permittivity for composites of PVC paste/graphite electrode waste, Iraqi journal of chemical and petroleum Engineering, Vol 23 No 1 PP 9-12202.
  25. Hilal A. Fadhil , Feras N. Hasoon , Qusay S. Hamad , Hussein Kazem, Phase Carrier approach based on Optical CDMA Systems’, Applied Computing Journal, Vol2 issue 1,PP165-173, 2022.
  26. Kenneth E. Okedu, Several IET Renewable Power Generation (Scopus), IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution (Scopus), IEEE Sustainable Energy (Scopus), Journal of Energy Storage (Scopus, Elsevier), Sustainable Energies Technologies and Assessments (Scopus, Elsevier), Electrical Engineering (Scopus, Springer), Frontiers in Energy Research (Scopus).
  27. Pavankumar R. Patil, Satish Tanavade, M. N. Dinesh, “Analysis of Power Loss in Forward Converter Transformer Using a Novel Machine Learning Based Optimization Framework”, Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy-Springer Nature, E-ISSN: 2199-4706, (2022) 7:21, DOI: 10.1007/s40866-022-00145-y (SCOPUS Indexed).
  28. Arshia Aflaki, Mohsen Gitizadeh, Ali Akbar Ghasemi, Kenneth E. Okedu, “Optimal Placement of Measuring Devices for Distribution System State Estimation Using Dragonfly Algorithm”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2022, Article ID 9153272, pp. 14,
  29. Kenneth E. Okedu, Ahmed Alghaithi, “Comparative Study of the Internal Dynamic Failures of Grid-connected Solar PVs: The case of Oman Power Network”, Frontiers in Energy Research-Smart Grids, vol. 10, no. 858803, pp.1-15 2022, DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.858803.
  30. Kenneth E. Okedu, Improved Performance of DFIG Wind Turbine during Transient State Considering Supercapacitor Control Strategy, Electrica Journal, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 198-210, 2022. DOI: 10.54614/electrica.2022.21006.
  31. Ahmed Al-Abri, Waleed Khalil, Kenneth E. Okedu, “Electricity Sector of Oman and Prospects of Advanced Metering Infrastructures”, International Journal of Smart Grid, vol.6, no. 1, pp. 1-12, 2022.
  32. Kenneth E. Okedu, “Improving the Performance of PMSG Wind Turbines during Grid Fault Considering Different Strategies of Fault Current Limiters”, Frontiers in Energy Research-Smart Grids, vol. 10, no. 909044, pp.1-12 2022, Front. Energy Res. doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.909044.
    Kenneth E. Okedu, Improved Performance of DFIG Wind Turbine during Transient State Considering Supercapacitor Control Strategy, Electrical Journal, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 198-210, 2022. DOI: 10.54614/electrica.2022.21006.
  33. Kenneth E. Okedu, Ahmed Alghaithi, “Comparative Study of the Internal Dynamic Failures of Grid-connected Solar PVs: The case of Oman Power Network”, Frontiers in Energy Research-Smart Grids, vol. 10, no. 858803, pp.1-15 2022, DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.858803.
  34. K. E. Okedu, “Enhancing the Transient Performance of DFIG Wind Turbine with Supercapacitor Control Strategy”, 2022 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Paper ISIE22-000118, May 31-June 3, 2022, Alaska, Anchorage, USA.
  35. K. E. Okedu, “Smoothing of Wind Farms for Frequency Regulation using DFIG Flywheel and FACTS Strategies”, 2022 IEEE 31st International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Paper ISIE22-000120, May 31-June 3, 2022, Alaska, Anchorage, USA.
  36. Alkalbani, R. H. & Gani, B. A. (2022). Hybrid Model of Solar and Wind Energy for Powering Street Lights: Feasibility Study. International Journal on Engineering, Science and Technology (IJonEST), 4(2), 150-156 DOI:
  37. Roshima Biju, Warish Patel, Suresh Manic K, V.Rajinikanth “Framework for Classification of Chest X-rays into Normal/COVID19 using Brownian-Mayfly-Algorithm Selected Hybrid Features” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi publisher, vol. 2022, Article ID 6475808, 13 pages, 2022. IF 1.305, cite score 1.8, Q1 ranking, Open Access. ISSN (print): 1563-5147 SCOPUS/WOS
  38. R. Dhandapani, I. Mitiche, S. McMeekin and G. Morison, “A Novel Bearing Faults Detection Method Using Generalized Gaussian Distribution Refined Composite Multiscale Dispersion Entropy,” in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 71, pp. 1-12, 2022, Art no. 3517112, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2022.3187717. IF: 5.332, CiteScore:5.9, Q1 Ranking, Scopus/WoS indexed.
  39. R. Dhandapani and Al-Ghafri. S.M., “ Implementation of facial mask detection and verification of vaccination certificate using Jetson Xavier kit”, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 1055, pp. 012013, 2022. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/1055/1/012013. Scopus indexed.
  40. R. Dhandapani, I. Mitiche, S. McMeekin and G. Morison, “Bearing Faults Diagnosis and Classification Using Generalized Gaussian Distribution Multiscale Dispersion Entropy,” 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 29th Aug 2nd Sep, 2022. Scopus indexed. DOI: Yet to be assigned.
  41. Ramakrishna Kumar M.V.N.M A.; Swathi; Venkata Subbamma. T; Shilpa Rani; Abhishek Jain, “Emotion Classification using Feature Extraction of Facial Expression”, 2022 2nd International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS). IEEE Xplore. DOI: 10.1109/ICTACS56270.2022.998854.
  42. Ramakrishna Kumar M.V.N.M A.; Swathi; Venkata Subbamma. T; Shilpa Rani; Abhishek Jain, “Commodities Price Prediction using Various ML Techniques, 2022 2nd International Conference on Technological Advancements in Computational Sciences (ICTACS). IEEE Xplore. DOI: 10.1109/ICTACS56270.2022.9987967.
  43. Dr K.Suresh Manic and Dr Ali Bimani published a research article titled: “Framework to detect Schizophrenia in brain MRI slices with Mayfly-Algorithm selected Deep and Handcrafted features” in Sensors Journal,MDPI publishers, Q1 ranking with IF 4.05
  44. K. Suresh Manic, et al., “Multimodal Medical Image Fusion of Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Generative Adversarial Networks”. Behavioural Neurology, Hindawi publisher. 2022, 12. Scopus 3.9 IF, Q3
  45. K. Suresh Manic, et al., “Framework for Classification of Chest X-rays into Normal/COVID19 using Brownian-Mayfly-Algorithm Selected Hybrid Features”. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi publisher. 2022, 12. Scopus and WOS IF 1.43 Q3
  46. Geetha Achuthan and K. Suresh Manic, et al.,., “Automatic Classification of Histology Images into Normal/Cancer Class with Pre-Trained CNN”. Journal of Physics. 2318, 8. 2022.Scopus.
    K. Suresh Manic, et al., “Detection of Pneumonia in Chest X-Ray with Bat-Algorithm Selected Deep and Handcrafted Features”. Journal of Physics. 2318, 9. 2022. Scopus
  47. Satish Suresh Tanavade and K. Suresh Manic, et al.,., “Extraction and Assessment of COVID19 Infection in Lung CT Images Using VGG-UNet”. Journal of Physics. 2318,7. 2022. Scopus
    Feras Nadhim Hasoon Al Attar and K. Suresh Manic, et al.,“ Automatic Detection of Ischemic-Stroke-Lesion with CNN Segmentation: A Study”. Journal of Physics. 2318,8. 2022. Scopus
  48. K. Suresh Manic, et al., “Framework to detect Schizophrenia in brain MRI slices with Mayfly-Algorithm selected Deep and Handcrafted features”. Sensors, MDPI journal Publisher. 23(280), 16. 2022. Scopus and WOS IF 4.050 Q1
  49. R. Dhandapani, I. Mitiche, S. McMeekin and G. Morison . “A Novel Bearing Faults Detection Method Using Generalized Gaussian Distribution Refined Composite Multiscale Dispersion Entropy”. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 17. 1-12, 2022. Scopus and WOS IF: 5.332, Q1
  50. R. Dhandapani and S. Al-Ghafri . “Implementation of facial mask detection and verification of vaccination certificate using Jetson Xavier kit”. Earth Environ. Sci . 1055. 012013. 2022. Scopus.
  51. R. Dhandapani, I. Mitiche, S. McMeekin and G. Morison. “Bearing Faults Diagnosis and Classification Using Generalized Gaussian Distribution Multiscale Dispersion Entropy Features”. 30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). 2022. 1452-1456. IEEE Xplore. Scopus
  52. B. Hemanth, Dharmasa, Deepak Prakah et al.,. “Multi Output Switched Capacitor based DC-DC
    Converter for Low Voltage Applications” 2022. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Smart Grid Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicle Technology. IOP. Scopus.
  53. Dharmasa, C Jayalaxmi. “Impact and Implementation of Greening the Library” ICEDLP International Conference On Emerging Digital Library Platform. 2022, 378-382. Bangalore. ISI.


  • Homaira Amzad, K.Vijayalakshmi, “Tourism Recommendation System: A Systematic Review” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 10, Issue 09, September 2021
    Suresh Manic K, Roshima Biju, Warish Patel, Muhammad Attique Khan, N. Sri Madhava Raja, Uma Suresh, “Extraction and Evaluation of Corpus Callosum from 2D Brain MRI slice: A study with Cuckoo Search Algorithm”, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2021, Article ID 5524637, 15 pages, 2021. Hindawi Journal, SCOPUS-Q1 ranking, IF 2.238, cite score 3.5.
  • S. M. Kesavan, I. Al Naimi, F. Al Attar, V. Rajinikanth and S. Kadry, “Res-UNet Supported Segmentation and Evaluation of COVID19 Lesion in Lung CT,” 2021 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN), 2021, pp. 882-885, doi: 10.1109/ICSCAN53069.2021.9526434.
    IEEE Publisher, (SCOPUS)
  • I. F. Al Hajri, S. M. Kesavan, A. F. O. Al-Hajri and N. S. Madhavaraja, “A Critical Study on the Protection Coordination System of a 2000kVA – LV Panel 5 of Student Dormitory in located at Al Khoud, Oman,” 2021 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN), 2021, pp. 853-858, doi: 10.1109/ICSCAN53069.2021.9526345. IEEE Publisher, (SCOPUS)
  • S. M. Kesavan, K. S. Al Mamari and N. S. M. Raja, “Solar powered robot for agricultural applications,” 2021 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN), 2021, pp. 865-869, doi: 10.1109/ICSCAN53069.2021.9526436. IEEE Publisher, (SCOPUS)
  • A. Prabagar, N. S. Madhavaraja, S. Arunmozhi and K. S. Manic, “Artificial Vision Based Smart Urban Parking System,” 2021 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN), 2021, pp. 927-930, doi: 10.1109/ICSCAN53069.2021.9526383.IEEE Publisher, (SCOPUS)
  • A. T. S., D. J. R. R, N. S. Madhavaraja, S. Arunmozhi and K. S. Manic, “Healthcare Framework for Risk Analysis of Hypertension,” 2021 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN), 2021, pp. 931-934, doi: 10.1109/ICSCAN53069.2021.9526508. IEEE Publisher, (SCOPUS)
  • M. A. K. Al Shabibi and S. M. Kesavan, “IoT Based Smart Wheelchair for Disabled People,” 2021 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN), 2021, pp. 555-560, doi: 10.1109/ICSCAN53069.2021.9526427. IEEE Publisher, (SCOPUS)
  • Ragavesh Dhandapani, Imene Mitiche, Scott McMeekin, Venkateswara Sarma Mallela, Gordon Morison. Enhanced Partial Discharge Signal Denoising Using Dispersion Entropy Optimized Variational Mode Decomposition. Entropy. 2021; 23 (12):1567.
 Publications 2020-2021

Journal Publications

  1. Ali Abdullah Hamed Al-Mahruqi., Morison, G., Stewart, B.G & Vallavaraj Athinarayanan. Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm for Better Energy Optimization and Resource Utilization in Cloud Computing. Wireless Personal Communication (2021).
  2. D Jamunaa, GK Mahanti, Feras N Hasoon, Optimized inter-element arc spacing and ring radius in the synthesis of phase-only reconfigurable concentric circular array antenna using various evolutionary algorithms, Electromagnetics journal, 1-15, 2020
  3. Okedu K. E. Improving the transient performance of DFIG wind turbine using pitch angle controller low pass filter timing and network side connected damper circuitry. IET Renewable Power Generation, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 3300-3312, March 2020 (Thompson and Reuters).
  4. Okedu K. E, Uhunmwangho R., and Odje M. Harnessing the potential of small hydropower in Cross River state of Southern Nigeria. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Elsevier, vol. 37, 100617, pp. 1-11, February 2020 (Thompson and Reuters)
  5. Okedu K. E. Determination of the most effective switching signal and position of braking resistor in DFIG wind turbine under transient conditions. Electrical Engineering, Springer, vol. 101, no. 11, pp. 1-10, January 2020 ((Thompson and Reuters)
  6. Ramakrishna Kumar, Maha Mohmoud Ali, Feb 2020. A Review on Chatbot Design and Implementation Techniques, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 2791-2800.
  7. Ramakrishna Kumar, Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Sept 2020. Internet of Things (IoT) and Brine Water Treatment System: State of Art, Future Trends and Implications, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, Issue 7, pp. 14247-14255.
  8. Ramakrishna Kumar, Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sharma, Dec 2020. Smart and Intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) based Brine Water Treatment System, Solid State Technology Journal, Vol. 63, Issue 5.

Conference Publications

  1. Ali Z. Ibrahim H, Hesham A., Muntadher F, Hanan S. Feras N Hasoon, “Biometric Authentication Security System Using Human DNA,” IEEE International Conference of Intelligent Computing and Engineering (ICOICE), 15-16 Dec. 2019, Hadhramout, Yemen.
  2. Ramakrishna Kumar, Satyanarayana S.V, Yogesh Kumar Sharma , “Recovery of Dilute Caustic Solution from the Desalination Plant Reverse Osmosis Discharge Brine Waste Water” International Conference on Research and Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICRAME), 10-11 Dec. 2020, Vignan Institute of Technology and Science, Deshmuki, Hyderabad, India.

Scholarly Activities

  1. Kenneth E. Okedu, Editor of the book Wind Solar Hybrid Renewable Energy System to be published by INTECH, United Kingdom, February 2020 (DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.77440) ISBN: 978-1-78984-591-4,
  2. Feras N Hasoon was D. External Examiner for the thesis titled “A Study on image multi thresholding using the recent heuristic algorithm”, at Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, 2020, India.
 Publications 2019-2020

Journal Publications

  1. D Jamunaa, Feras N Hasoon, GK Mahanti, “Symbiotic Organisms Search Optimization Algorithm for Synthesis of Phase-Only Reconfigurable Concentric Circular Antenna Array with Uniform Amplitude Distribution,” International Journal of Electronics Letters, 1-12, 2019.
  2. D Jamunaa, GK Mahanti, Feras N Hasoon, “Synthesis of Phase-Only Position Optimized Reconfigurable Uniformly Excited Linear Antenna Arrays with a Single Null Placement,” Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences, 2019.
  3. D Jamunaa, Feras N Hasoon, GK Mahanti, “Digitally Excited Reconfigurable Linear Antenna Array using Swarm Optimization Algorithms,” Iranian Journal of electrical and electronics engineering, 2019.
  4. Hilal A. Fadhil, Feras N. Hasoon, Suresh Manic K, “Cost-effective approach based android system of a mobile application for a blind person”, International journal of recent technology and engineering(IJRTE). Volume 8, Issue 2S8, August 2019, pp1155-1157. (SCOPUS).
  5. Okedu K. E., Al  Nadabi Husam and  Aziz Ahmed, September 2019. Prospects of Solar Energy in Oman: Case of Oil and Gas Industries, International Journal of Smart Grid, vol.3, no. 3, pp. 138-151 (WOS).  
  6. Okedu K. E., August 2019. Enhancing the Performance of DFIG Variable Speed Wind Turbine using Parallel Integrated Capacitor and Modified Modulated Braking Resistor, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, vol.13, no. 15: pp. 3378-3387 (SCOPUS, THOMSON AND REUTERS)
  7. Okedu K. E., Al Salmani Waleed., June 2019. Smart Grid Technologies in Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: Challenges and Opportunities”, International Journal of Smart Grid, vol.3, no. 2, pp. 92-102 (WOS).
  8. Mohammed Ahmed Asif, Firas Al Wadhah, Muhammed Hassan Rehman, Ismail Al Kalbani and Geetha Achuthan  “Intelligent Educational System for Autistic Children using Augmented Reality and Machine Learning”, International Conference on Innovative Data Communication Technologies and Application(ICIDAC19), October 2019
  9. Patidar, H. Mahanti, GK. & Muralidharan, R., “Synthesis of the flat-top beam pattern of linear antenna arrays with restricted side lobe level, VSWR and independent nulls using Flower Pollination Algorithm,” International Journal of Electronics, 106(12), p.1964-1977, 2019.
  10. Rajinikanth V., Satapathy S.C., Dey N., Fernandes S.L., Manic K.Suresh., Jan 1, 2019. Skin Melanoma Assessment Using Kapur’s Entropy and Level Set—A Study with Bat Algorithm. In: Satapathy S., Bhateja V., Das S. (eds) Smart Intelligent Computing and Applications. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 104.pp 193-202 Springer, Singapore (WOS, SCOPUS).
  11. Krishna Priya, P S Godwin Anand, Susamma Chacko, “Optimal Design of MIMO-Fuzzy Logic Controller using Convergent Heterogeneous Particle Swarm Optimization for a Cement Mill”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems,Vol.08, pp:788-797, 2018.
  12. Suresh Manic K., Hasoon Feras.N., Shibli N.A., Satapathy S.C., Rajinikanth V., Jan 1, 2019. An Approach to Examine Brain Tumor Based on Kapur’s Entropy and Chan–Vese Algorithm. In: Yang XS., Sherratt S., Dey N., Joshi A. (eds) Third International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, chapter no 81, vol 797. PP 901-909 Springer, Singapore (WOS, SCOPUS).
  13. Suresh Manic K, Imad Saud Al Naimi, Feras N. Hasoon and V. Rajinikanth., 2019. Jaya Algorithm-Assisted Evaluation of Tooth Elements Using Digital Bitewing Radiography Images.”Book chapter-Computational Techniques for Dental Image Analysis. IGI Global, 2019. 107-128. Web. 10 (SCOPUS and WoS cited)

Conference Publications

  1. Basma Al-Subhi, Feras N.Hasoon, Hilal A.Fadhil, Suresh Manic and Roshima Biju “Smart vehicle headlights control system”, Proceedings of the International Engineering conference -12th EURECA 2019, Published by AIP Publishing, AIP conference proceedings 2137, 030001 (2019 Aug), pp 030001-8. (SCOPUS).
  2. Suresh Manic, Satish S Tanavade and Feras N.Hasoon,” Heuristic Algorithm Assisted Controller Design for Nonlinear type Liquid Level Process” Proceedings of the international conference on Smart structures and systems –ICSSS(2018), Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, India, pp 23-28.
  3. Muna Rashid Al Eissaei, Feras N. Hasoon and Suresh Manic, “Intelligent Protection System Against Vehicles’ Carbon Monoxide Gas Leakage By Using Arduino And GSM Model”, Proceedings of the international conference on Smart structures and systems –ICSSS(2018), Saveetha Engineering college, Chennai, India, pp 8-12.
  4. Ragavesh Dhandapani, Imene Mitiche, Venkateswara Sharma Mallela and Gordon Morison, “Partial Discharge Signal Denoising based on Variational Mode Decomposition and Group-Sparse Total Variation Denoising” , 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Information Security (ICSPIS 2019) October 2019.
  5. Krishna Priya, P S Godwin Anand, “Fuzzy entropy-based segmentation of brain MR images using convergent heterogeneous particle swarm optimization”, IEEEXplore 2018.
  6. Satish S Tanavade, K.Suresh Manic and Feras N.Hasoon, “Design optimization for modified series-parallel resonant convertor” Proceedings of the international conference on Smart structures and systems –ICSSS(2018), Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, India, pp 43-48.
  7. Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan, R.Krishna Priya, P S Godwin Anand, Sambas, “A New Chaotic Plant with Torso-Like Rest Points”, IEEEXplore, 02 September 2019.

Scholarly Activities

  1. Ahmed Khamis Al Ghadani, Sultan Zayed Al Jabri, Rocky Das and Waleeja Mateen, BENG-MT students won 2nd Prize for a project titled “Mechatronics System: Application of Image Processing Empowered Robots in Warehouse Automation Systems “ held at Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman on 10th March 2019. Faculty mentor: D. Ragavesh.
  2. Amal Al Balushi and Iman Al Naimi attended the MENA Innovation 2019-ICT Innovation in Education Forum which was held on 15 – 17 September 2019 at Kempinski Hotel
  3. Dharmasa, has been invited as a Guest Talk on 8th Feb 2019 at Vignan Engineering College, Hyderabad, India.
  4. Dharmasa was invited Speaker at International Conference on Reshaping Librarianship: Innovations and Transformations, Bharathiar University, Arignar Anna Central Library, India, held on 16th and 17th August 2019.
  5. Dharmasa was invited Speaker at ST Sponsored International Conference on Innovations in Power, Energy and Intelligent Control Systems Vignan, University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India held on 8 -10 August 2019.
  6. Dharmasa was invited as a speaker at the 1st International Conference on Recent Trends in Technology, Engineering and Applied Science (ICRTTEAS-2019) organized by Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore Apr 12-13 2019, India.
  7. Dharmasa was elected as an Editorial Member of SCIREA Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2019,
  8. D Ragavesh has conducted a series of staff development workshops on “Excel in Excel: Informal assessment preparation using MS-Excel” on 28th October and 5th March 2019 at the College of Engineering campus, NUST.
  9. D Ragavesh has conducted a series of staff development workshops on “LaTex: Typesetting beyond imagination – Tips & Tricks” on 7th October 2018 and 10th March 2019 at the College of Engineering campus, NUST.
  10. D Ragavesh has conducted a staff development workshop on “Basic Statistics Analysis in Excel (Graphs and Charts)” on 21st February 2019 at the School of Foundation Studies campus, NUST.
  11. Suresh Manic has reviewed three papers for the Journal of Engineering science and technology.
  12. Suresh Manic has reviewed one paper for the journal Evolutionary Intelligence, springer nature.
  13. Suresh Manic has reviewed one paper for the Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, springer series.
  14. Suresh Manic is a reviewer for the Journal of current Bioinformatics-Bentham Science Publishers
  15. Suresh Manic has reviewed two papers for the Journal of current Bioinformatics-Bentham Science Publishers
  16. Suresh Manic has been appointed as an international advisory committee member for the International Conference on Modern Research & Computation in Electrical Technology from July 09-10, 2019, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India.
  17. Kenneth E. Okedu, Introductory Chapter of the book Power System Stability published by INTECH, United Kingdom, February 2019.
  18. Kenneth E. Okedu, Editor of the book Power System Stability published by INTECH, United Kingdom, February 2019.
  19. Okedu K. E, April 2019, Introductory Chapter of the book Power System Stability, published by INTECH, United Kingdom, pp. 1-10 (SCOPUS)
  20. Okedu K. E, January 2019, Introductory Chapter of the book Stability Control and Reliable Performance of Wind Turbines, published by INTECH, United Kingdom, pp. 1-10 (SCOPUS)
  21. Okedu K. E was editor of the book Wind Solar Hybrid Renewable Energy System to be published by INTECH, United Kingdom, August 2019
  22. Okedu K. E was Editor of the book Power System Stability Publisher: INTECH ISBN: 978-1-78985-798-6 DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.84497, United Kingdom, April 2019.
  23. Okedu K. E. attended the 2019 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium, August 13-16, Washington D.C, U.S.A
  24. Okedu K. E is a reviewer for Journal of Clean Production 2019 till date, Publisher: Elsevier Publishing International
  25. Okedu K. E is a reviewer for Electrical Engineering 2019 till date. Publisher: Springer
  26. Okedu K. E is a reviewer for Applied Energy 2019 till date. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing International
  27. Okedu K. E is a reviewer for Electrical Engineering 2019 till date. Publisher: Springer
  28. Okedu K. E is a reviewer for the Journal of Energy Storage 2019 till date. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing International
  29. Okedu K. E is a reviewer for the Journal of PLO One 2019 till date. Publisher: Public Library of Science
  30. Okedu K. E is a reviewer for the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019 till date. Publisher: Elsevier Publishing International
  31. Okedu K. E is a reviewer for the International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa 2019 till date, Publisher: Trans Tech Publication LTD, Zurich, Switzerland
  32. Okedu K. E is a reviewer of IEEE Access, 2019 till date. Publisher: IEEE International USA
  33. Krishna Priya reviewed a paper in IEEE Access Journal in 2019 March.
  34. Krishna Priya Reviewed for Inderscience Journals, International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics (IJCVR), 2019
  35. Krishna Priya reviewed a paper for the Journal of Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, Elsevier, 2018
  36. Krishna Priya and Rajat S, delivered an Expert Video lecturer in International Conference, Contemporary Global Trends and Research in Electrical and Electrical Engineering, 29th and 30th March 2019.
  37. Sumitha Premachandran was invited to adjudge the Myriads (Inventors) at Science, Technology and Innovation (STAI) event which was held at Indian School Muscat, on Jan 24th, 2019.
  38. Awards and Recognitions
  39. Okedu Kenneth was awarded the Publons Peer Review Award Winner 2019 for the top world’s 1% of reviewers in Engineering
  40. Okedu Kenneth was awarded the Publons Crossfield Peer Review Award Winner 2019
  41. Muhammed Hassan Rehman secured the 1st position in TechCamp 2 hosted by the Embassy of United States of America in Oman for project ” Intelligent Educational System for   Autistic children using Augmented Reality and Machine Learning”
  42. Maryam Hassan Ali Al Balushi participated in the ” 9th National Symposium on Engineering Final year projects” held on 1st May 2019 at the University of Nizwa. Project Title: An Intelligent transportation system Supervisor: Mr. Athar Azeez.
  43.  D. External Examiner for the thesis titled “A Study on image multi thresholding using the recent heuristic algorithm”, at Electrical and Electronics Engineering, St. Peter’s Institute of Higher Education and Research, 2020, India.
Journal Paper Reviewed by Staff 


Saleh alaraimi
Publisher   : Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Development Journal 
Paper Title : Using Augmented Reality and Drones in Tandem to Serve Smart Cities.
Publisher   : Academic Journals 
Paper Title : Identification of bearing defect images based on Gray Level                      Cooccurrence Matrix (GLCM) features extraction and selection using               multiclass-KNN classifier 
Publisher    : Academia
Paper Title :  Radiomics in Nuclear Medicine: The Role Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Dr K.Suresh Manic
Reviewer and reviewed paper for International Journal of Humanoid Robotics. Reviewed paper titled DC-BiGRU-CNN Algorithm for Irony Recognition in Chinese Social Comments for Mathematical Problems in Engineering Hindawi Publisher. Reviewed paper titled: A Hybrid Framework for Intrusion Detection in Healthcare Systems using Deep Learning for the journal Frontiers in Public Health, section Digital Public Healt

Dr. Satish
Evaluated PhD Thesis titled “One dimensional linear piecewise-smooth discontinuous map: Theory and Applications in Switching Circuits” for Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere-Maharashtra State University


Feras Alattar	
Publisher : Applied computing Journal Paper Title : Phase Carrier approach based on Optical Code Division Multiple Access Networks ** Okedu Kenneth Reviewed IEEE Transactions, IET Journals, Springer, Taylor and Francis. Also reviewed PhD Thesis at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, as external examiner. ** Feras Alattar Applied commuting journal

Suresh Manic
Reviewed Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Elsevier, Measurement, the Journal of the International Measurement Confederation,Frontiers, Springer,Hindawi Journals

Dr. Suresh Manic
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments-Elsevier Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Measurement –Elsevier

Dr Dharmasa
PhD Thesis reviewed and submitted the report Vignan's Foundation for Science, Technology & Research University, Vadlamudi. Guntur - Andhra Pradesh - 522 213

Kenneth Okedu
Reviewed several Transactions and Journals for IEEE, IET, Elsevier, Taylor and Francis

Feras Alattar
1-Applied computing Journal 
2-review the research proposal for The Research Council (TRC) of the Sultanate of Oman

Basheer Ahamed Gani
Reviewed  the Electronics and Communication Engineering Program and the Course learning outcomes for the University of Technology and Applied Science on 12th May 2022 at Higher College of Technology, Muscat as an External reviewer

Saleh Alaraimi
2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics / Implementing ODD as single point of knowledge to support the development of automated driving 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics / Model-based Approach for Building Trust in Autonomous Drones Through Digital Twins 2022 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics / Learning Sensor-Based Risk Map Augmentation for Risk-Aware UAS Operation



Ragavesh Dhandapani	
has reviewed three IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement papers.

Ragavesh Dhandapani	
has reviewed three journal papers of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (2 papers) and IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (1 paper).