Undergraduate Programs

BEng. Mechanical Engineering

About this program

BEng Mechanical Engineering program is a four year degree program for those who want to gain knowledge in mechanical engineering to pursue a career in industry or continue in graduate studies. The degree is awarded after the successful completion of 132 credit hours of undergraduate work, including a compulsory industrial internship and Capstone project. Students can study the core Mechanical Engineering program or select one of the program concentrations listed below to satisfy the requirements for the BEng degree in Mechanical Engineering;

BEng. Mechanical Engineering (Concentrations)

  1. Industrial Automation and Control
  2. Energy Systems Engineering


Industrial Automation and Control

This concentration is developed in line with Oman’s Manufacturing Strategy so that it will aid in identifying and developing automation and controls knowledge and techniques used in the industry with a focus on the ever-increasing demands of manufacturing, oil and gas engineering process and linked to 4IR. The courses are developed to aid to instill knowledge of programming of PLC systems, high-level programming language, development of industrial automation production systems and control, Robotics in manufacturing industries.

Energy Systems Engineering

This concentration is developed in line with the Oman National priorities viz. Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability. The concentration drives by the application of conserving techniques and renewable energy sources for reduced energy consumption. It deals with the design and development of technologies for harvesting renewable energy resources, energy storage technologies and conserving techniques, energy audit, energy economics and energy efficiency approaches to remain competitive.

The ABET compliant Mechanical Engineering program curriculum is integrated with national priorities of the sultanate of Oman vision 2040 by providing high quality teaching to nurture professional, competitive, and innovative talents in our learners. There are many staff with PhD holders who deliver the modules for this program. In addition, 30% of staff under this program are Omanis. There are many opportunities for the students in this program for capacity building and other co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Extracurricular Opportunities

The students have a plethora of opportunities to engage with established student chapters of professional bodies which aim to expose the students to international professionals to have the benefits of updating with recent technological news and to interact with engineers and professionals across the world. Open opportunities to be a member of reputable international professional bodies under this program are:

  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  • Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Student chapter professional bodies are actively involved in conducting symposiums, workshops, conferences, keynote lectures, guest lectures, debates, Talent group meetings for the benefit of the student’s community.


Career Opportunities

The mechanical engineering graduates will pursue their career in the fields and occupations as practicing engineers, entrepreneurs, teachers and researchers. Most often, they find employment opportunities in the mechanical industries relating to their specialization, as CAD/ Design engineers, inventory/planning engineers, installation and operation engineers, maintenance engineers and shop floor/production engineers. The engineering program transforms their learning experience and skills to develop successful careers and practice mechanical engineering and allied fields of study in a broad range of industries. They would also strive to pursue advanced education, research and development, and other creative and innovative efforts in science, engineering, and technology to take part in the nation-building initiatives.

Program Educational Objectives

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

“To produce graduates of Mechanical Engineering who will take the lead  in employment and entrepreneurship and to achieve regional and international recognition”

  • Equip students with the knowledge and practical skills which fully support the need of the industrial market
  • Enhance the personal and business skills as well as the long-life learning skills required for effective communication and success in engineering industries and businesses
  • Develop the partnership programs with industry through research and professional development
  • Enhance public awareness and advancement of Engineering knowledge through promoting local and international communication channels

College of Engineering offers ABET compliant BEng programs which are envisioned to produce engineering graduates to lead from the front in pursuit of systematic and continuous change in the areas of academic, industry and society.

The BEng Mechanical Engineering (ME) program is a four-year degree program for those who want to gain knowledge in a focused area of mechanical engineering to pursue a career in industry or continue in graduate studies. The degree is awarded after the completion of 132 credits of undergraduate work listed in the curriculum below including compulsory industrial internship and Capstone project.   

The following Educational Objectives of this program are attainable by the degree graduates within few years after graduation from the college.

PEO 01: Develop successful careers and practice mechanical engineering and related fields in a broad range of industries.

PEO 02: Successfully complete or pursue advanced education, research and development, and other creative and innovative efforts in science, engineering, and technology.

PEO 03: Participate as leaders with intellectual strength, creativity, professional skills and lifelong learning adaptable to the contemporary regional and global needs.

PEO 04: Conduct themselves as both responsible professionals and global citizens who understand ethical issues, environment and societal needs.

What will you study?

1st Year

2nd Year

3rd Year

4th Year

1st Year
Semester 1 Semester 2
University English I 3 University English II 3
Entrepreneurship Workshop & Seminars 1 Oman History and Islamic Culture 3
Calculus I 4 Ethics in Workplace 2
General Chemistry for Engineering 4 Calculus II 4
Engineering Drawing 2 Physics I 4
Introduction to Computer Programming 2 Basic Electrical Engineering 2
Engineering Workshop 1    
Total Credits (7 Courses) 17 Total Credits (6 Courses) 18
2nd Year
Semester 3 Semester 4
University English III 2 Manufacturing Processes 2
Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus 3 Differential Equations 4
Physics II 3 Environmental Science 2
Physics Laboratory 1 Professional Development for Engineers 2
Engineering Mechanics 3 Computer Aided Engineering 2
Material Science 3 Engineering Thermodynamics 3
    Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I 1
Total Credits (6 Courses) 15 Total Credits (7 Courses) 16
3rd Year
Semester 5 Semester 6
Probability & Statistics 3 Core / Concentration Elective II 3
Core / Concentration Elective I 3 Core / Concentration Elective III 3
Mechatronics 3 Machine Design 3
Fluid Mechanics 3 Dynamics of Machinery 3
Mechanics of Solids 3 Thermal Engineering Systems 3
Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II 1
    Integrated Project 2
Total Credits (6 Courses) 17 Total Credits (7 Courses) 18
4th Year
Semester 7 Semester 8
Engineering Economics & Industrial Management 3 Capstone Project II 3
Core / Concentration Elective IV 3 Organizational Behavior and Management 3
Heat Transfer 3 Technical Elective 3
Industrial Safety Management 2 Core / Concentration Elective V 3
Control Systems 3 Industrial Internship 2
Capstone Project I 3
Total (6 Courses) 17 Total (5 Courses) 14
Exit with Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (132 Credit Hours)


Core : Mechanical Engineering

  • Advanced Manufacturing Technology
  • Quality Assurance and Control
  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Vibration and Condition Monitoring
  • Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
  • Metrology and Computer Aided Inspection
  • Composite Materials

Concentration : Industrial Automation and Control

  • Electronics
  • Embedded Systems
  • Mechatronics Systems Design
  • Vibration and Condition Monitoring
  • Computer Integrated Manufacturing
  • Automation and Robotics
  • Metrology and Computer Aided Inspection

Concentration : Energy Systems Engineering

  • Energy Resources & Conversion
  • Renewable Energy Systems
  • Energy Storage: Technology and Applications
  • Vibration and Condition Monitoring
  • Energy Systems Modeling and Forecasting
  • Energy Auditing and Management
  • Energy Efficient Buildings

Technical Electives

  • Operations Research
  • Refrigeration and Air-conditioning
  • Virtual Instrumentation
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Total Quality Management
  • Electrical Power Train Technology
  • Power Plant Engineering

Apply for Admission

We don’t just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in their career—to discover a field they’re passionate about and dare to lead it.