Department of Electrical and Communication Engineering (ECE)


Well-equipped laboratory facilities are available to satisfy the requirements of the practical classes as prescribed for the modules. The various laboratory facilities mentioned below facilitate the students to acquire sound knowledge of theoretical and practical skills & engineering concepts. The following list of laboratories is serving the Electrical & Communication Engineering programs:

  • Communication Engineering Lab
  • Power Engineering Lab
  • Power System & HV Lab
  • Power Electronics & Instrumentation Lab
  • Basic Electronics Lab
  • Digital Electronics Lab
  • Analogue Electronics Lab
  • Microprocessors & Hardware Lab
  • PC Lab 1 and PC Lab 2
  • Multimedia Lab
  • Networking and Hardware Lab

Communication Engineering Lab

This laboratory is used for organizing various experiments needed for core modules of Telecommunication Engineering. RF communication equipment, signal sources, output meters, AM/FM/PCM trainers, TV trainers, PABX trainers, Microwave trainers, Radar & Antenna Trainers and Fibre optic communication kits are available to undertake practical exercises to reinforce the theoretical concepts. The practical under the modules, Telecommunication Applications, Electronic Communication, Communication Lab 1 , Microwave and Radar, Optical Communication, Cellular Mobile Communication and Wireless Networking, are organized in this laboratory. Microwave trainers, GSM trainers, Satellite trainers, TV trainers and very high-end DSOs and Spectrum analyzers are some of the equipment available in this Lab.

Power Engineering Lab:

Power Engineering Lab mainly caters the hands on needs of Electrical Power Engineering students. Students undergoing UG studies will have their Lab experiments for Level – 2, Level -3, Level-4 modules. They get familiarized with different types of AC and DC motors, Transformers, Alternators, etc. The experiments carried on are Load test, Speed control, Torque-speed Characteristics, Open circuit and short circuit characteristics, etc.

Power System & HV Lab

This lab is a specialized lab that mainly focuses on the modules Power system technology and High Voltage. The power system simulator is the main attraction of this lab where which the students can simulate the real-time analysis. This equipment reproduces two high voltage transmission lines with the possibility of varying the parameters. It enables to learn and test the characteristics and management of high voltage distribution networks, with small-scale components.

Power Electronics & Instrumentation Lab

This lab is equipped with power electronics and instrumentation equipment. Students undergoing level – 3 modules have their core lab module in this lab

Basic Electronics Lab

This laboratory is equipped with various equipment, electronic devices and components to meet the practical requirements of modules namely Electro-mechanical workshops, Circuit Theory and analysis, Electronic Devices and Electronic Devices Lab. The students using this lab will be focused on the basic principles of Electronics

Analogue Electronics Lab

This laboratory is equipped with various equipment, devices and components to meet the practical requirements of modules namely Analogue Electronics and Electronic Engineering and Applied Electronics.

Digital Electronics Lab

This laboratory is equipped with various equipment, test probes, software packages like PSpice, ORCAD and FPGA trainers to demonstrate, design and develop combinational and sequential logic circuits. This laboratory is equipped as per the practical work prescribed in the module Digital Electronics, Electronic Engineering and Applied Electronics.

Microprocessors & Hardware Lab

This laboratory is equipped with Intel and Motorola Microprocessors/microcontroller development kits, Integrated Development Environment software packages for program development, Logic and signature analyzers for signal tracking and troubleshooting, programming devices for PIC/Microcontroller and EPROM for embedded system development, MATLAB/Simulink software tool is installed in all Personal computer systems to facilitate the students to analyse the communication modules. The modules which need the usage of the lab for training are Microcontroller Applications, Microcontroller Lab, and Electronic Communication.

PC Lab 1 and PC Lab 2

The department has various computer tools to help support the delivery of the programme. For example, OPNET modeler, OPNET IT Guru Academic edition simulation software tools are installed for the modules Wireless Networking and Simulation of Multimedia Networks and Technical project. Other software packages include MATLAB, Orcad, etc which caters the student of Computer and E & CoE students need.

Multimedia Lab

Multimedia Lab mainly focuses on multimedia-based software. The software used in MM Lab is MS Visual Studio, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Premiere, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Director, Microsoft FrontPage, MATLAB, etc

Networking and Hardware Lab

This lab is used by all levels of computer students to study the practical aspect of Networking and Computer Hardware.