Hear from Department Head

Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dr. Hafez Al Sadeq

Warm welcome to the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department.

There is a growing demand for civil and environmental engineering discipline. Oman and the region have ambitious plans to develop infrastructures that includes but not limited to roads, bridges, water supply and sewerage networks, airports, harbors, and dams. Private sector is also active in constructing industrial, commercial and residential buildings to meet the need of growing population and businesses. Civil engineers also manage water resources, build waste water treatments, and convert waste to energy to preserve natural resources and bring solutions that contribute sustainable environment. 

The department is committed to educate professionals in civil and environmental engineering discipline and equip them with skills and knowledge that enable them to produce innovative solutions to engineering problems for economic growth of the country and betterment of the society.  

The department has full time well qualified staff with industry experience dedicated to the education of more than 450 students in the profession of civil and environmental engineering. As extra/co curriculum activity, the department also invite industry expertise to give guest lectures on their experience in different real projects that students can learn from when they practice the engineering profession. 

Faculty advisors will guide you on your study plan each semester and provide academic support on classes, opportunities and future career. I recommend that you be in contact with them for any advice. Your feedback is highly important and we follow open-door policy to interact with you and resolve any issue that you may face to make your life and learning process at campus smooth and enjoyable.

Our students can join professional bodies that include but not limited to Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), Royal Institute of Charted Surveyors (RICS), Charted Institute of Building (CIOB), and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). This aimed at exposing students to engineering community that keeps them in touch with professionals of the same field and access to additional materials and resources. 

Please join our family and wish I could see you in our campus soon.

Contact Information:

Dr Hafez Al Sadeq
Head of the Department
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
P O Box 2322, Seeb-111,
Sultanate of Oman
[email protected]
Telephone: 24536165, Ext : 550, Fax: 24535675