Welcome to the Department of Professional Development & Humanities. To us, each of you is a powerful storehouse of ideas and it is this idea that we wish to support and harness through self–reflection, critical thinking and by helping you to chalk out your own route, that gives you the innermost satisfaction in this learning journey.
As we prepare ourselves to meet the 21st century, we cannot ignore the fact that the 21st Century is here with a big bang making all of us experts in technology and more is yet to come. The pandemic has disrupted the way we work. The future sees Artificial Intelligence and Robotics taking over. Drones are already here to simplify the jobs- it’s all innovation, scary but exciting. The Department of Professional Development and Humanities offers an exciting platform on how you could be a part of this journey and we take pride in how we could be a part of your learning journey by connecting you to broader and wider learning that broadens your perspective on how each of you could become a self-sustaining force to support the nation in enhancing its infrastructure and economy. We want you to think even beyond and reflect on how you and your existence can be useful to the world.
The National University is committed to transforming students into Global Citizens with a quest for knowledge and its application for the betterment of society (NU’S Mission Statement). Research and Innovation is the top priority which helps you to translate the knowledge into an entrepreneurial venture. NU emphasises that its graduates must reflect values such as Individual identity dignity, integrity, honesty, ethics, entrepreneurial mindset, ability to contribute to the community well-being and sustainable development and being socially responsible.
The department of Professional Development and Humanities is unique in its nature and is designed to equip engineering graduates with skills that will assist them to make a sizeable contribution to the nation’s economic growth through research, innovation or start-ups, or even active involvement in the industries they work for. The College of Engineering has set out different means and strategies to help you develop in all-rounded and dynamic graduates who are confident and can contribute meaningfully.
Our team is very excited to meet you and for us each one of you is special. We look forward to a productive association and wish you all the best.
Ms. Prakerthi Panickar
Educational and Professional Development
P.O. Box 2322
C.P.O Seeb – 111
Sultanate of Oman
Telephone: 24536165, Ext : 600, Fax: 24535675
Email: [email protected]