College of Engineering

Message from Dean


Dr. Ahmed Hassan Al Bulushi


Engineering education is the foundation of all professions especially with emerging new technologies and AI driven developments and innovation. Future job market requirements of skills and knowledge are technology driven and therefore, engineering and technology play a vital role in changing the landscape of current and future needed skills, knowledge, and expertise.

Although during your engineering education you will be extensively exposed to technical training and practical experience, enhancing your critical thinking, communication skills, creativity, team building, and leadership skills are highly emphasized throughout your study period using innovative teaching, learning pedagogies and extracurricular activities.

During studies at the College of Engineering, students will develop essential skills that prepare them to play an active role in the University and graduate with skills that enable them to be effective citizens and change agents who drive change and innovation in societies.

We understand students’ needs and desires, so you will find plenty of opportunities to develop personally and professionally. CoE has more than 13 students clubs and professional societies where students can be involved and develop a variety of skills and practice leadership.

College of Engineering looks forward to receiving and welcoming new students to its family and I can assure you an interesting and vibrant study period with us.

Wishing you all the best

Dr. Ahmed Hassan Al Bulushi

Dean - College of Engineering