Diploma in Electronics and Communications Engineering

Flexible mode of study: Full-time/ Part-time (weekend mode)

This two-year diploma program has an equal blend of theoretical, practical, ethical and environmental based courses that meet the needs of the country, industries, and society as a whole.


Program Description:

Diploma in Electronics and Communications Engineering is a 2–year program that aims to provide knowledge and practical skills in Electronics and Communications. Further, this program aims to impart technical knowledge to students quickly. The Diploma is awarded after the successful completion of 66 Credit Hours. This short duration helps the students enter the workforce very soon after their studies. After completing this Diploma, students can apply for the four-year BEng degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering or any other relevant field. One of the award requirements is that students are expected not only to pass the required courses but also to achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0 or above.

Program Objectives: 

Diploma in Electronics and Communications Engineering aims to:

  • Gather in-depth knowledge in the field of Electronics & Communications Engineering that impacts socio-economic issues.
  • Continuously improve students’ knowledge and skills and help them become successful entrepreneurs and agents of change in society.
  • To train students ethically in the professional environment with adaptation to the global environment

Admission Requirements

Admission Criteria:

Pass in General Certificate Diploma or equivalent with grade not less than “C” with the following subjects:

  • Physics OR Chemistry
  • Pure Maths or Applied Maths
  • Pass in the university entrance test

Study Plan:

Year 1:

  • University English I
  • Entrepreneurship Workshop & Seminars
  • Calculus I
  • Oman History and Islamic Culture
  • Physics I
  • Engineering Workshop
  • University English II
  • Ethics in Workplace
  • Calculus II
  • Programming I
  • DC Circuits

Year 2:

  • Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus
  • AC Circuit Analysis
  • Antennas and Radio wave Propagation
  • Computer Networks
  • Measurements and Instrumentation
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Digital Logic Design
  • Analog Electronics
  • Embedded Systems
  • Communication Theory and Systems
  • Diploma Project

Program Articulation:

Students after successful completion of diploma and if they meet the set academic grades can apply for continuing their studies for BEng/ BTech degree program in the same chosen field of study or any other relevant field at  NU or any other Higher  Education Institutions.

Career Opportunities

  • Electronic Technician
  • Telecommunication Technician
  • Field Testing Technician
  • and many others

Students successfully completing the Diploma program in Electronics and Communications Engineering, can find suitable employment as technicians in Industries, Service Personnel, and as Foreman, Ground Station Technicians, Maintenance Technicians and Equipment/Instrument in-Charges.

International Internship and Collaborations:

NU believes that the international partnership with other institutions enables the University to lead its sectors with the most diverse, highest-attaining student bodies, and achieve their international ambitions. NU has collaborations with various universities across the world. The collaborations with South Carolina University, USA, and Shiraz University of Technology, Iran have the potential impact on curriculum development, student internships, collaborative teaching programs and research networks for the Computer Engineering programme.

Apply for Admission

We don’t just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in their career—to discover a field they’re passionate about and dare to lead it.