Department of Applied Mathematics & Science

About Department

The faculty of the Department of Applied Mathematics & Science at NU College of Engineering are prominent scholars engaged in teaching and research in Mathematics, Statistics and allied areas. The department consists of a dedicated team that provides a nurturing milieu conducive to innovative thinking, preparing students for the twenty-first century.

The Department of Applied Mathematics & Science has been established in response to the growing requirements of the nation for skilled undergraduate and graduates with a strong foundation in Applied Mathematics and Science. The department serves the entire student population registered under various NU programmes at the College of Engineering, College of Pharmacy by offering different courses in Applied Mathematics and Science.

To meet the growing demand for trained professionals, the department offers software based learning at Mathematics Learning Support Center (MLSC). The department is actively involved in cutting edge research in a wide range of Mathematics and Statistics applications with a focus on Reliability Modeling, System analysis, Applied Probability, Stochastic Processes and Numerical Analysis. In addition to this, the department supports interdisciplinary research projects / activities.

The main objective of the department is to provide strong mathematical background to undergraduate and graduates, enabling them to handle the mathematical challenges of emerging technologies.

Modules/Courses offered

The following modules/courses are offered by the Department of Applied Mathematics & Science to the students pursuing Engineering for different programmes of study and other degrees:

Bachelor of Engineering Programmes affiliated with Glasgow Caledonian University, UK.

Module Name Module Code Programme of Study
Technical Mathematics 1 M1G124706 CAME/COE/EIE/EPE/MCT/POM/TCE
Applicable Mathematics 1 M1H124707 Civil Engineering
Technical Mathematics 2 M2G124708 CAME/COE/EIE/EPE/MCT/POM/TCE
Applicable Mathematics 2 M2H124709 Civil Engineering
Advanced Mathematics M3G124710 CAME/COE/EIE/EPE/MCT/POM/TCE
Advanced Mathematics for Civil Engineers M3G124711 Civil Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering Programme affiliated with University of South Carolina, USA.

Module Name Module Code Programme of Study
Calculus 1 MAT0101 Chemical Engineering
Calculus 2 MAT0102 Chemical Engineering
Differential & Difference Equations MAT0201 Chemical Engineering
Probability and Statistics MAT0202 Chemical Engineering
Numerical Methods MAT0301 Chemical Engineering

Bachelor of Engineering Programmes, National University of Science and Technology.

(a) Mathematics courses
Module Name Module Code Programme of Study
Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus EMS00202 CHE/CIE/COE/ECE/EPE/MEE/POM
Differential Equations EMS00201 CHE/CIE/COE/ECE/EPE/MEE/POM
Probability and Statistics EMS00301 CHE/CIE/COE/ECE/EPE/MEE/POM
Discrete Mathematics EMS10301 COE/ECE
Numerical Methods EMS10401 CHE/CIE
(b) Basic Science courses
Module Name Module Code Programme of Study
Physics Laboratory EBS00204 CHE/CIE/COE/ECE/EPE/MEE/POM
General Chemistry for Engineering EBS00101 CHE/CIE/COE/ECE/EPE/MEE/POM

Bachelor of Science Programme, National University of Science and Technology.

Module Name Module Code Programme of Study
Mathematics for Quantity Surveyors EMS10101 Quantity Surveying and Cost Management
Statistics for Quantity Surveyors EMS10201 Quantity Surveying and Cost Management

Bachelor of Pharmacy Programme, National University of Science and Technology.

Module Name Module Code Programme of Study
Introduction to Calculus PMAT0101 Pharmacy

Master of Science in Engineering Programme affiliated with Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Module Name Module Code Programme of Study
Reliability and Availability Assessment MMH323560 Maintenance Management

Master of Science in Engineering Programme affiliated with University of South Carolina, USA.

Module Name Module Code Programme of Study
Advanced Mathematics EMS00501 Electrical Engineering
Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety EMS10601 Electrical Engineering