The Student Advisory Council (SAC) at the International Maritime College Oman has been established to provide the students with an opportunity to express their thoughts, worries, and demands in terms of all issues concerning their studies and academic life in general. It is a channel through which students’ voices can reach the college management in a well-organized manner. To reinforce this channel, the SAC is directly linked to the Dean’s office.
Every academic year, the SAC is established through a fixed election procedure. First, the candidacy to the SAC is announced to every student at the college through emails, notice board and text messages. Then, every student receives a candidacy form through emails and hardcopies available at the Student Affairs Department. Later, candidates complete the candidacy form and place it at a designated box in the college main hall. After that, students are given the candidates’ list to nominate only one candidate during normal classes under the supervision of the Student Affairs. The final seven members of the SAC are announced according to number of votes they achieved. The SAC consists of members that represent the different academic departments. The SAC members meet from time to time to discuss matters that are related to the students’ academic life. Moreover, SAC is supported with sub committees representing all academic departments. They are: ME Society, DO Society, LTM Society, PE Society, English Society and Sports Society. The sub committees work under the supervision of the SAC and together they organize activities and events. All of these are done under the general supervision and guidance of the Students Affairs Department.