Diploma in Logistics and Transport Management

Program Description:

The Diploma in Logistics and Transport Management aims to prepare students with the knowledge and skills needed to join the Logistics, Shipping, Port, and Transport sectors. This two-year program educates students for employment at middle-management or supervisory levels.

Program Objectives:

The Diploma in Logistics and Transport Management aims to:

  1. Equip students with knowledge, skills, and personal attributes that will enable them to be productive and effective.
  2. Provide high-quality teaching within a rich, stimulating learning environment, aided by customized academic support.
  3. Ensure an ethical, transparent, and efficient management and administrative system.
  4. Implement curricula of international standards through continuous review and updating.
  5. Engage constructively and effectively with industry and the community.
  6. Provide professional development opportunities for all academic and administrative staff.
  7. Offer a conducive and positive working environment that helps staff and students realize their full potential.

Admission Requirements

The minimum entry requirements are:

  • General Education Diploma (Grade 12 Certificate) or equivalent
  • All applicants must have completed English and Mathematics

Students must also successfully complete the General Foundation Programme or provide equivalent scores in the three areas of the programme. The requirements are:

  • English: obtain a valid IELTS score of 5.0 taken within the last two years or score at least 70 points in the College English placement test.
  • Mathematics: score at least 50 in the Math placement tests
  • Information Technology: provide a valid certificate in IC3 or ICDL, or score at least 50 in the IT placement tests.

Study Plan:

Year 1 (Semester 1):

  • Introduction to Ports
  • Introduction to Shipping
  • Introduction to Logistics
  • Transport Chain Simulator-I
  • Transport English I
  • Arithmetics I
  • Basic of Economics
  • IT Foundations I

Year 1 (Semester 2):

  • Container Terminals
  • Shipping Agent
  • Intermodal Management
  • Transport Chain Simulator II
  • Transport English II
  • Arithmetics II
  • Principles of Economics
  • IT Foundations II

Year 2 (Semester 1):

  • Other Types of Terminals
  • Liner Shipping
  • Logistics Management
  • Transport Chain Simulator III
  • Transport English III
  • Statistics I
  • Economics
  • Entrepreneurship: Creativity and Innovation

Year 2 (Semester 2):

  • Warehousing
  • International Trade
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Transport Chain Simulator IV
  • Transport English IV
  • Statistics  II
  • Maritime Economics

Program Articulation:

The program is suitable for individuals from natural and social science backgrounds who aspire to roles such as logistics and supply chain supervisors, procurement staff/supervisors/experts, port terminal staff, shipping transport and distribution staff/supervisors, freight forwarders, shipping agents, custom officers, sales supervisors, and customer service supervisors.

Diploma holder students of the Logistics and Transport Management Program can further pursue their education at the graduate and postgraduate levels in fields such as logistics management, port and shipping administration, business administration, supply chain and operations management, and international operations and supply chain management.

International Internship and Collaborations:

Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)

Apply for Admission

We don’t just give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in their career—to discover a field they’re passionate about and dare to lead it.