I would like to welcome you to the Department of Logistics Management, IMCO, NU. The Logistics Department offers BSc Degree in Logistics and Transport Management and Diploma in Logistics and Transport Management programs. Both programs are CILT (Chartered Institute for Logistics and Transport-UK) accredited. We are proud to be at the forefront of Logistics and transport education, and research in the field of logistics and transport management. The department is offering modules/courses to equip graduates who can accomplish national logistics strategy but also fit the growing global logistics trends. The department offers simulator-based logistics and transport chain education for which the TCS (transport chain simulator) is the pride of the Department, the College and the University. We realize the importance of updating our modules with the rapidly changing world and have adapted our curriculum and research focus to meet the demands of national and global logistics and shipping standards. The faculty members in the department specialize in various fields of logistics and publish articles from several research they are engaged in. They work tirelessly to ensure that students and trainees receive the best logistics education. The Department of Logistics is working in collaboration with the logistics and shipping industry leaders, professional associations (OLA) and government organizations to ensure that the logistics education and research provided by the department are not only cutting-edge but also practical and relevant to the needs of the industry and society. The department has planned also to introduce graduate-level education in the fields of logistics and shipping, international operations and supply chain management and logistics and transport management. Short-term certificate training is also in its very short-term plan to produce certified officers and workers in the areas of logistics and transport. It is to express with confidence that our graduates are well equipped with knowledge, attitude and skills to join the workforce so as to meaningfully contribute to their nation, world and their communities. Thank you for considering the Department of Logistics and Transport Management Department as part of your educational and training partner.
Dr. Abebe Ejigu Alemu, PhD
Head of Logistics Management Department
Email: [email protected]
Tel. +96826827715
Mobile: +96891720968
P.O.Box. 532, P.C.: 322, Falaj Al Qabail