Research Facilities

Computerized Data Acquisition System Assisted Diesel Engine with Eddy Current Dynamometer Setup

To investigate the combustion parameters (such as Heat Release Rate, Cylinder Pressure vs θ, Ignition Delay, Mass of Fuel Burnt, etc.), performance and emission traits of a diesel engine for any types of liquid fuels (as per SAE Std.).

Copper Corrosion Test Setup

The determination of the degree of corrosiveness of petroleum products that exhibit a vapor pressure up to 124 kPa (37.8 °C). ASTM D130 std. is adopted to determine the degree of corrosiveness for any fuels (viz., aviation gasoline, aviation turbine fuel, kerosene, diesel fuel, lubricant oils and other hydrocarbon fractions) falling within the vapor pressure specified limit.

Cloud & Pour Point Setup

As per ASTM D97 std., the Cloud and Pour Point test bath determines the lowest temperature at which petroleum oils will flow and the temperature at which wax crystals form. This identifies the minimum safe operating temperature.

Semi-Automatic Bomb Calorimeter

It is used for determination of calorific value of liquid & Solid fuels (as per ASTM D5865 std.). The Instrument consists of S.S Bomb capacity 300 ml made out of corrosion resisting stainless steel Rod, Calorimeter vessel, Outer Jacket with insulated body, offset stirrer, S.S.

KANE Auto600 Smokemeter

The KANE Auto600  Smokemeter is the product from M/s. KANE, UK. It is used to measure the smoke opacity of the gases from the tail pipe of the diesel engine for the fuels used for the research investigations.                

KANE Autoplus 5-2 Gas Analyzer

The KANE Auto Plus 5-2 gas analyser is the product from M/s. KANE, UK. It is used to measure the harmful emissions such as NOx, CO, CO2, unused oxygen & unburnt HC of a diesel engine for the fuels used for the research investigations.   

Carbon Residue Test Apparatus

This test method is used to determine the amount of carbon residue left after evaporation and pyrolysis of an oil, and is intended to provide some indication of relative coke‑forming propensity as per ASTM D524 std.

Digital Saybolt Viscometer

It is a instrument used to determine the viscosity of petroleum oils as per ASTM D88 std. It is based on the time in seconds for a given volume of oil to pass through an aperture at a controlled temperature and collect in a container with a volume of 60 millilitres.

Fuel Distillation Unit Setup

This apparatus is used for determinations of distillation characteristics of petroleum products as per ASTM D86 standards. This apparatus will determine the nature of distillation parameter for the advanced fuels synthesized in the laboratory.

Pensky Martens Flash & Fire Point Apparatus

These test methods cover the determination of the flash point of petroleum products in the temperature range from 40 to 360° C by a manual Pensky Martens Closed Cup Apparatus. The apparatus serve the purpose according to ASTM D93, ISO 2719 standards.

AVL 444N Gas Analyzer

The AVL Digas 444N gas analyzer is used to determine the harmful pollutants exhausted from the diesel engine (such as NOx, CO, CO2, UBHC, unused oxygen, lamda value, etc.).

Aniline Point Test Apparatus

This test method used to determine the aniline point of petroleum products and hydrocarbon solvents as per ASTM D611. It is suitable for transparent samples with an initial boiling point above room temperature and where the aniline point is below the bubble point and above the solidification point of the aniline sample mixture.

Hot Plate Evaporation Characteristics setup

This setup is used to investigate the physical significance of ignition delay or burning characteristics of fuels using a hot-plate, heater, digital thermocouples setup. It is one of the latest technique to determine the ignition quality of fuels used for power generation in oil & gas sectors.