Professional Bodies

Professional Bodies

Our staff belong to various professional bodies which include:

Oman Society of Engineers (OSE)

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

Ethiopian Society of Chemical Engineers (ESChE)

International Association of Engineers (IAENG)

Environmental Society of Oman (ESO)

Solar Energy Society of India (SESI)

Institute of Physics (IOP)

Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)

Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)

Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE)

Bio Medical Society of India (BMSI)

Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers (NSChE)

Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE)

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Pakistan Mathematical Society (PMS)

Combustion Institute (CI)

Emirates Association of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers (EAENG)

Engineers Australia

Iranian Association of Chemical Engineers

Nigeria Young Academy (NYA) an affiliate of Nigeria Academy of Science (NAS)