Department of Logistics Management

About the Department

The Department of Logistics Management is a pioneering department under IMCO, NU that offers Bachelor of Science Degree and Diploma in Logistics and Transport Management programs. The logistics and transport sector is a major economic contributor to nations and the world, with maritime logistics covering more than 80% of global cargo transport. The government of Oman aspires to be one of the best logistics hubs in the Gulf region and is devising strategies to achieve its vision and goals. As the logistics sector continues to emerge and expand, there is an increasing demand for qualified experts at the middle and high levels. The Bachelor and Diploma programs in logistics and transport management are therefore in the best interest of the industry and the training sectors, making the launch of these programs a logical move. With the development and enhancement of intermodal systems, there is a need for skilled and experienced professionals in the field of logistics. The Department attracts a large number of students who aspire to join the emerging and expanding logistics and transport sector. The program offers modules that are well integrated with SOLS2040 and the global logistics and transport industry, aiming to prepare students with cognitive knowledge and practical skills required for middle-management or supervisory level employment. LTM graduates are in demand by a variety of employers, including logistics and shipping companies, port management companies and operators, freight forwarders, logistics providers (3PL, 4PL and integrators), department stores, wholesaling and logistics companies, retailing stores, and supermarkets. The department staff is well qualified in teaching and research, participating in several workshops, conferences, university, college, and department events that contribute to the development of the logistics science and the community. Many staff members publish scientific articles in logistics and transport, contributing to the development of logistics science and to policy makers. The department works closely with the industry to produce graduates that fit industry demands, often conducting meetings with the Industry Advisory Board to improve graduate employment and industry-college/university linkages in research, and create partnerships in program review.

Programs Offered:

Programme Goal

Career opportunities

Programs Offered:

  • BSc in Logistics and transport management program
    • 480 Credit points (405 core)/180 credit hours (128 core)
    • Program duration – 4 years
  • Diploma in logistics and transport management (2 years)
    • 240 credit points/105 credit hours
    • Program duration – 2years

Modules (courses)

  • 45 modules (32 core): 2 modules are full semester modules
  • Internship training (3rd year I semester)
  • Graduate research project (4th year II semester)
  • PLO1: Demonstrate the ability to apply key concepts and principles of International Transport & Logistics by using logical reasoning to carry out processes and procedures in the industry.
  • PLO2: Communicate effectively in English within teams as well as individually in order to carry out duties and responsibilities within the industry.
  • PLO3: Demonstrate sensitivity to and ability to make decisions based on ethical and moral values, both within the industry and the community.
  • PLO4: Apply practical skills and competencies developed in the programme in a professional and competent manner to add value to the logistics industry.
  • PLO5: Exhibit the essential graduate attributes, such as leadership, punctuality, time management, teamwork, required at operator level in the International Transport and Logistics industry
    • Employers LTM graduates are in demand by a variety of employers, including logistics and shipping companies, port management companies and operators, freight forwarders, logistics providers (3PL, 4PL and integrators), department stores, wholesaling and logistics companies, retailing stores, and supermarkets.

Logistics and transport management graduates have a wide range of career opportunities available to them, including:

    • Logistics Manager/supervisor
    • Supply Chain Manager/supervisor
    • Transportation Manager/supervisor
    • Operations Manager/supervisor
    • Warehouse Manager /supervisor
    • Freight Forwarder
    • Customs Broker/supervisor
    • Purchasing Manager/supervisor
    • Distribution Manager /supervisor
    • Logistics Analyst
    • Customer service supervisors
    • Shipping agents,
  • Logistics and transport management graduates have a wide range of career opportunities available to them in various industries, including manufacturing, wholesaling, service, retail, healthcare, and government.

Programme structure (fulltime)

Module Code Module Name Credit Value Contact hours
1st year 1st semester
PPOR-I-I Introduction to Ports 10 3
PSHI-I-I Introduction to Shipping 10 3
PTRL-I-I Introduction to Logistics 10 3
PSIM-I-I Transport Chain Simulator-I 10 3
PECON-I-I Basics of Economics 5 2
PENG I-I Transport English I 5 2
PMATH I-I Arithmetics I 5 2
PIT I-I IT Foundations I 5 2
1st year 2nd semester
PPOR-I-II Container Terminals 10 3
PSHI-I-II Shipping Agent 10 3
PTRL-I-II Intermodal Management 10 3
PSIM-I-II Transport Chain Simulator II 10 3
PECON-I-II Principles of Economics 5 2
PENG I-II Transport English II 5 2
PMATH I-II Arithmetics II 5 2
PIT I-II IT Foundations II 5 2
2nd year 1st semester
PPOR-II-I Other Types of Terminals 10 3
PSHI-II-I Liner Shipping 10 3
PTRL-II-I Logistics Management 10 3
PSIM-II-I Transport Chain Simulator III 10 3
PECON-II-I Economics 5 2
PENT-II-I Entrepreneurship: Creativity and Innovation. 0 2
PENG II-I Transport English III 5 2
PCALC II-I Statistics I 5 2
2nd year 2nd semester
PPOR-II-II Warehousing 10 3
PSHI-II-II International Trade 10 3
PTRL-II-II Supply Chain Management 10 3
PSIM-II-II Transport Chain Simulator IV 10 3
PECON-II-II Maritime Economics 5 2
PENG II-II Transport English II 5 2
PMATH II-II Arithmetics II 5 2
PIT II-II IT Foundations II 5 2
Diploma Exit
3rd year 1st semester (student in internship in industry)
PTHE-1 Practical Training 60
3rd year 2nd  semester
PPOR-III-II Warehousing Concepts 10 3
PSHI-III-II Transport Law & Charter Parties 10 3
PTRL-III-II International Transactions & Customs 10 3
PSIM-III-II Transport Chain Simulator V 10 3
PECON-III-II Business Management I 10 3
PENG III-II Business Writing 10 3
4th year 1st semester
PPOR-IV-I Port Management 10 3
PSHI-IV-I Commercial Practices in Shipping 10 3
PTRL-IV-I Management of the Integrated Supply Chain 10 3
PSIM-IV-I Transport Chain Simulator-VI 10 3
PECON-IV-I Business Management II 10 3
PENG IV-I Business Communication and Research Methodology 10 3
4th year 2nd  semester
PGPR Graduation Project 60
End of Bachelor of Sciences Degree