Process Engineering


Developed in consultation with industry, our Diploma and Bachelor of Engineering in Process Engineering programmes will enable you to apply your knowledge and skills to real-world challenges. Combining exceptional facilities with teaching from research-active academics, this programme will prepare you to become a successful professional, able to address technological and societal challenges as well as capable of undertaking both life-long learning and further advanced studies. Besides the core content of process engineering such as design and development of unit processes, chemical plants and process automation, the programme includes control engineering, economics, environmental aspects as well as industrial safety and ergonomics.

Process Engineers are found in almost all industrial plants, and they are responsible for the design, operation, control and optimization of the processes. They examine how raw materials are converted into useable productions and how to improve the process. They are involved in many aspects of plant design and operation, including safety and hazard assessments, process design and analysis, control & instrumentations, chemical reactions, construction specifications and operating instructions.

Award: Diploma/Bachelor of Engineering in Process Engineering.

Entry Requirements

The minimum entry requirements are:

  1. General Education Diploma (Grade 12 Certificate) or equivalent
  2. All applicants must have completed English and Mathematics
  3. Applicants for Process Engineering programme must also have studied Chemistry and Physics in grade 12 or equivalent

Students must also successfully complete the General Foundation Programme or provide equivalent scores in the three areas of the programme. The requirements are:

  1. English: obtain a score of 5.0 in the IELTS taken in the last two years or score at least 70 points in the College English placement test
  2. Mathematics: score at least 50 in the Math placement tests
  3. Information Technology: provides a valid certificate in IC3 or ICDL, or score at least 50 in the IT placement tests


After being admitted to the college either via applying directly to the college or through the Higher Education Admission Center (HEAC), the students enroll at the college. The following documents and material are required to complete the registration:

  1. An original General Education Diploma (Grade 12 Certificate) or equivalent with a minimum pass grade in Mathematics and English
  2. Two coloured photos of the applicant
  3. A copy of the applicant’s national ID card
  4. A copy of the applicant’s guardian’s valid passport or ID card

In addition, international students must provide:

  1. An original grade 11 certificate or equivalent
  2. The original High Secondary School Certificate or equivalent must be attested by student’s country’s Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Omani Embassy in his/her country.
  3. A copy of the applicant’s valid Passport.

MENU : Program Offered


Diploma: 2 Years
Bachelor: 4 Years

Diploma: 3 Years
Bachelor: 4 Years

* IMCO Diploma holders need 2 years to obtain Bachelor degree

Tuition Fees

3,675 OMR per year
Books and Study Materials: 200 OMR per year.

2,600 OMR per year

*IMCO Diploma Holders, please contact Admission & Registration Department
Books and Study Materials: 200 OMR per year.

Program Objectives-Diploma

Program Objectives-Bachelor

Study Plan


After few years, the Process Engineering graduates of International Maritime College Oman are expected to:

  1. to apply fundamental principles in the Process Engineering field at the level of an operator in the areas of operation, production, and safe manufacturing of products in process industries
  2. apply practical skills and competencies developed in the programme in order to operate equipment in process and manufacturing industries, safely and competently.
  3. be proficient and effective in verbal and written communication to carry out their duties and responsibilities within the process industry and society in a safe and efficient manner.
  4. demonstrate a sense of social ethical and moral values appropriate to providing efficient services at workplace and within their communities
  5. have a good record of community services to their local as well national and global communities

Students Outcome

  1. Competency in the use of the English language in academic and industrial environment.
  2. Acquiring the required fundamental technical skills, knowledge of mathematical and basic science concepts and practical experimental skills that are applicable in solving problems encountered during operation in process and manufacturing Industries.
  3. Acquiring the knowledge of equipment and instruments used in major process and manufacturing industries with direct “hands-on” skills.
  4. Ability to conduct standardized tests, measurements and experiments and acquiring the skills to analyze and interpret the results to improve industrial operations.
  5. Ability to function effectively as a member of a cross-functional

After few years, the Process Engineering graduates of International Maritime College Oman are expected to:

  1. be successfully employed in relevant engineering technology or related field or accepted into graduate programmes.
  2. pursue new knowledge and capabilities through continuing education, professional development, or other lifelong learning experience.
  3. be effective in the design of engineering technology solutions and the practical application of engineering technology principles.
  4. demonstrate a sense of social and moral responsibility appropriate to manage, lead and work within cross-functional teams.
  5. have a good record of community services to their local as well national and global communities.

Student Outcomes: Bachelor

  • An ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to process engineering.
  • An ability to design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for broadly defined engineering problems appropriate to process engineering.
  • An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and nontechnical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
  • An ability to conduct standardized tests measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results to improve processes.
  • An ability to function effectively as a member or leader on a technical team


Simulation and lab work are considered as important components of your education. In the lab, you will develop hands-on skill and experience and in working with others, you will gain the interpersonal skills necessary to be a successful professional. You will benefit from practical experience working in our laboratories including state of the art dynamic simulator lab, Hysys lab, petrochemical lab, process control lab, materials testing lab, well-equipped mechanical workshop, electrical lab, chemistry and physics labs and two dedicated labs for applied research in the area of water and energy which, combined with your academic studies, will prepare you for a wide range of careers.