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Desalination and Emission Reduction Techniques in a Diesel Engine Powered with MWCNT Blended Emulsions, J. Sadhik Basha, Jahad Al Jabri, Maryam Al Ghaithi, Maryam Al Saadi, Maitha Al Balushi, International Conference on Innovation and Technological Advances for Sustainability (ITAS 2023), Qatar, Doha, March 1-3, 2023.
Assessment of Simulation-based Training in Process Engineering; A case-based Study in Oman, Halimah Al Maqbali, Tahereh Jafary, 6th teaching and learning conference, Innovations and applications in Teaching and Learning, Sohar University, Oman , March 2, 2023.
Revolutionizing Sustainability: The Emergence of Bioelectrochemical System, Tahereh Jafari, ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTEMPORARY ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, India, May 1, 2023.
Efficient and Ecofriendly Water/wastewater Quality Monitoring with Microbial Fuel Cell Biosensors, Atheer Al Maamari, Fatima Al Baluki, Anfal Al Shezawi, Abrar Al Harthi, Majid Al Ghaithi, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh, Muna Al Hinai and Tahereh Jafary, 6th MEC student Conference, Breakthrough in Advanced Technologies and Practices , Muscat. Oman, May 16, 2023.
A Comprehensive Study on Valorization of Spent Coffee Grounds into Activated Carbon in Oman, Jawaher Al-Bulushi, Manar Al Attar, Abdulrahman Al-Marzouqi, Shamail Alsaadi, Muna Al Hinai, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh and Tahereh Jafary, 6th MEC student Conference, Breakthrough in Advanced Technologies and Practices, Muscat. Oman, May 16, 2023.
ZnO Modified Sand Filter for CO2 Capture and Conversion Into Methanol, Bayan Al Dabdoub, Reem Al Balushi, Abdullah Al Jabri, Muna Al Hinai and Tahereh Jafari, 6th MEC student Conference, Breakthrough in Advanced Technologies and Practices, Muscat. Oman, May 16, 2023.
Microwave Ultrasonic Pre-Treatment For Enhanced Anaerobic Degradation Of Pharmaceutical Waste, Reem Al Shizawi, Mariyam Al Maqbali, Haitham Alkaabi, Khadija Al Balushi, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh and Tahereh Jafary, 6th MEC student Conference, Breakthrough in Advanced Technologies and Practices, Muscat. Oman, May 16, 2023.
CO2 Mineralization Of Brine Discharged From A Desalination Plant, Hamad Salim Albadaai, Yarub Nasser Alsiaby, Khalid Hashil Al Quraini, Khadija Al Balushi, Abdullah Mubarak Obide Albloshi, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh, Tahereh Jafary and Jimoh Adewole, 6th MEC student Conference, Breakthrough in Advanced Technologies and Practices, Muscat. Oman, May 16, 2023.
Design, Fabrication and Analysis of a Noble Insitu Biogas, Biofuel and Fertilizer Production Technology, Ghada Abdullah AL-Nasseri, Asma Al-Kharusi, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh and Ramachandran K P. , Third International Conference on Advances in Materials Science 2023, Ahmednagar, India, 09-10 May 2023
Preparations and fabrication of polymeric Membrane for gas separation, Alanoud Saif Al-Shiedi, Asma Talib Al-Balushi, Yaqeen Ali Al-Moqbali, Asma Said Al Kharusi. , 6th MEC student Conference, Breakthrough in Advanced Technologies and Practices, Muscat. Oman, May 16, 2023.
Nanofluids: Blessing for Science and Nanotechnology, MD Jashim Uddin, 2nd COE Research Symposium on RECENT TRENDS IN ENGINEERING RESEARCH (Nanotechnology and Engineering Science), National University of Science and Technology, , Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, Jan 23, 2023.
Nanofluids: The New Heat-Transfer Fluids for The Industrial Age 4.0, MD Jashim Uddin, Theme: Integrated Approach for Adapting 4IR, Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,, Ministry of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 01-03 December 2022.
Taxonomic Classification of Sulphate Reducing Bacteria Communities Attached to Biocathode in Hydrogen Producing Microbial Electrolysis Cell, Tahereh Jafary, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh, Wan Ramli Wan Daud, Manar Said Saleh Al Attar, Reem Khalaf Mohammed Al Masani, International Symposium on Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology, Malaysia, 1 October, 2021
Sustainable desalination and bioelectricity generation using green technology of microbial desalination cells, Amal Al Balushi, Fatema Al Maqbali, Haitham Al Saidi, Ibtisam Al Maaini, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh, Tahereh Jafary, International Symposium on Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Technology, Malaysia, 1 October, 2021
Mean Time System Failure & Reliability Analysis of Compressor House Station in an Industry., Yaqoob Al Rahbi , 2021 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET) , Online , 27-28 Oct. 2021
Reliability analysis of a three-unit pumping system, Habib Shambhi, Rizwan S M , Yaqoob Mubarak, Senguttuvan A, 2nd International Conference on Functional Materials & Simulation Techniques (ICFMST-2022), Online , 10 – 11 January, 2022.
An Experimental Analysis in a DICI Engine Powered with MWCNT Blended Emulsions, Sadhik Basha J, Ranim Al Balushi, Marwa Al Maqbali, Abdul Al Musalami, Basmah Al Noufali, Sara Al Balushi, Barea Al Basti, Zahra Al Ajmi, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES (ONLINE) (ICEMT 2021), ONLINE, AUGUST 20-21, 2021
Redefining the Upper Bound Curve for Process Intensification in Natural Gas Processing, Jimoh K. Adewole , Naveed Khan Asma Al Kharusi , Muhammad Javed , Habeebllah B. Oladipo , Muhammad Zahir Khan and Riaz Ahmad ,, 2022 Spring Meeting & 18th Global Congress on Process Safety, San Antonio, USA, San Antonio, USA, April 10 – 14, 2022
Multifunctional Green Technology for Simultaneous Desalination, Organic Removal and Sulfate Reduction, Athra Al Mahrouqi, Khalid Al Maqbali, Rawan Al Tubi, Said Al Jabri, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh, Tahereh Jafary, National Conference on Environmental Challenges: Green Industry and Mining, May, 2022, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, May 18-2022
Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities of Renewable Energy Use for Sustainable Energy Future in Oman, Hawraa Ali Abdullah Al Ajmi, Nasser Saif Salem Al Farsi, Balqees Sultan Saeed Al Ruhaili, Amna Talal Yousuf Al Khanbashi, Tahereh Jafary, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh, National Conference on Environmental Challenges: Green Industry and Mining, May, 2022, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, May 18-2022
Nanofluid flow and heat transfer in a square vessel with two wavy surfaces, Md. Jashim Uddin, 5th Sohar University Research Conference (SURC2022), Oman, 19 Jan, 2022
0D, 1D, and 2D interlayer surface contact for enhanced nanomaterial photocatalytic performance, Faisal Rashid Al Marzuqi, The 4th RIC IMCO, Oman, 29 March, 2022
Advanced Emulsion Fuels for Power Generation – Current Challenges & Future Prospects, Jaffar Sadhik Basha, The 4th RIC IMCO, Oman, 29 March, 2022
Modelling of nanofluids flow and heat transfer: evolution, application, and prospects in nanotechnology, Md. Jashim Uddin, The 4th RIC IMCO, Oman, 29 March, 2022
Reliability Modelling of Engineering Systems, Yaqoob Mubarak Al Rahbi, The 4th RIC IMCO, Oman, 29 March, 2022
Application of Eh-pH diagrams for synthesis of photocatalysts for water treatment, Muna AlHinai, The 4th RIC IMCO, Oman, 29 March, 2022
Production of Potable Water by Thermal Desalination Technique on Utilizing the Waste Heat Exhaust Gases from a Diesel Engine, Abdulrahman Al Musalami, Jaffar Sadhik Basha, The 4th RIC IMCO, Oman, 29 March, 2022
Utilizing a microbial desalination cell as a pre-treatment stage for a reverse osmosis plan, Fatema Al Maqbali, Amal Al Balushi, Tahereh Jafary, The 4th RIC IMCO, Oman, 29 March, 2022
Enhanced Anaerobic Degradation of Slaughterhouse Wastewater Using Microwave-Ultrasonic and Microwave-Alkali Pretreatment Techniques, Khadija Said Al busaidi, Muna Al Ajmi, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh, The 4th RIC IMCO, Oman, 29 March, 2022
Removal of organic pollutant using biomass and clay-based adsorbent, Rihab Salim Albttashi, Ahoud Al Hamadani, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh, The 4th RIC IMCO, Oman, 29 March, 2022
Comparative Investigation of the removal of oil from contaminated wastewater using thermo-chemically modified, Muna Al Ajmi, Ahoud Al Hamdani, Anteneh Yeneneh, Tahereh Jafary, National Conference on Environmental Challenges: Green Industry and Mining, May, 2022, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, May 18-2022
Testing Of Proton Exchange Membrane Cells Under External Conditions for the Applications in Petrochemical Industries”, Aldrin Karunaharan , Abdul Hameed , International conference on robotics, Automation, and intelligence systems – ICRAINS-21, INDIA , Nov 18 ,2021
Automatic detection of white blood cancer from blood cells using novel computing techniques, Aldrin Karunaharan, Edwin Kumar , 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS 2022) Conducted by Shri Eshwar college of engineering, Coimbatore, INDIA , March 25-26, 202
Automatic detection of pectoral muscle from mammograms using soft computing techniques, Aldrin Karunaharan. k and Anitha Mary. X, International conference on engineering and advancements in technology, July ICEAT-21, conducted by Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, INDIA, 16-17, July 2021
Enhanced detection of Diabetic retinopathy form fundus images using novel computing techniques, Aldrin Karunaharan. K and Abdul Hameed., ICSIE- 2022, International Conference of Science and Innovative Engineering, conducted by Jawahar college of Engineering, Chennai , India, 5 Jun, 2022
Smart water and wastewater monitoring system for all-purpose applications, Tahereh Jafari, Ali Mousavi, Second International Conference on Water Resources in Arid Areas 2020, SQU, Muscat, Oman, nov, 2020
Anaerobic Biodegradation of Used Motor Oil for Safe Disposal, Talal Mohammed AHMED Al Maqbali, Khalid said Alessai, Abdulhamid Humaid Salim Al hinai, Aziz Mohammed Al Maktoumi, Anteneh Yeneneh and Jimoh Adewole, AiChE 2020 Annual Summit, San Francisco, USA (VIRTUALLY), 20, November, 2020
Application of Innovative Low-Cost Bio-Flocculants for Enhanced Wastewater Treatment, Anteneh Yeneneh, Dhiba Al-Aamri, Jimoh Adewole2, Amin Firouzi3, Muna Al Ajmi2 and Abdulshakoor Noor Alam2, , AiChE 2020 Annual Summit, San Francisco, USA (VIRTUALLY), November, 2020
An Experimental Feasibility Analysis on Thermal Desalination and Emission Reduction of a Diesel Engine Fuelled With MWCNT Blended Emulsion Fuels, Sara Al Balushi, Abdul AL Musalmi, Basmah Al Noufali, Bareah Al Basti, Zahra Al Ajmi, J. Sadhik Basha, IMECHE, 2021, Nov. 2021
Removal of oil from contaminated wastewater using Themo-chemically modified lignocellulosic biomass, Muna Al-Ajmi, Ahoud Al Hamadani , participation in SURC 2021, Sohar University , June, 2021
Automatic detection of pectoral muscle from digital mammograms using soft computing techniques, Aldrin Karunaharn. K , Anitha Mary. x, ICEAT 2021 International conference on Engineering and technology | , Lords Institute of Engineering & Technology Hyderabad, Telangana, India, Date: 16 & 17 July 2021
Combined microwave-oxidation pretreatment of used motor oil contaminated wastewater for enhanced anaerobic degradation, Maryam Khalid alburiki, Rawan Saleh Alnaqbi, Fay Khamis Alzaabi, May Khamis Alzaabi, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh, Muna Al-Ajmi, Tahereh Jafary, 4th Sohar University Research Conference. Emerging Trends in Sustainable Development 16th June 2021, Sohar University, 16th June 2021
Application of artificial neural networks and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference modeling techniques for the analysis of the relationship between COVID-19 incidence and the number of arrivals/departures at airports: A case study, Muhammad Zahir Khan, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh, Luqman Abidoye, Jimoh Adewole, Tahereh Jafary, 4th Sohar University Research Conference. Emerging Trends in Sustainable Development, Sohar University, 16th June 2021
Analysis of challenges and opportunities of renewable energy use for sustainable energy future in Oman, Hawraa Ali Abdullah Al Ajmi, Nasser Saif Salem Al Farsi, Amna Talal Yousuf Al Khanbashi, Balqees Sultan Saeed Al Ruhaili, Tahereh Jafari, 4th Sohar University Research Conference. Emerging Trends in Sustainable Development, Sohar University, 16th June 2021
Removal Of Heavy Metals Using Chemically Modified Lignocellulosic Biomass, Aashair Dilnawaz , Rahma Hafidh Almaharouky, Hamdah Al- Jabri, Muhanad Al- Blushi, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh , 15th SQU Chemical Engineering Student Gathering , SQU-AiChE, 28 Feb-3 March, 2021
Current advances in wastewater treatment technologies for enhanced bioenergy production, Waste Audit and Management for Fuel / Value Added Materials Recovery, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology Centre for Waste Management Centre of Excellence for Energy Research, India, Online, 8-12 December 2020
An Experimental Analysis In A DICI Engine Powered with MWCNT Blended Emulsions, Sara Al Balushi, Abdul AL Musalmi, Basmah Al Noufali, Bareah Al Basti, Zahra Al Ajmi, Ranim Al Balushi, Marwa Al Maqbali, International Conference On Energy And Materials Technologies, Icemt-2021, Ssn College Of Engg., Tamil Nadu, India , Aug. 20-21, 2021
Modelling and Simulation Studies of Multiple Packings Distillation Column, Sabha M. Almanie, Abdullah M. O. Albloshi, Mallak Alhosni, Shahad Al-Mighaizwi, Jimoh K. Adewole, The 4th Middle East College Student Research Conference, Middle East College, Muscat, Oman, 10th December, 2019
Sustainable Energy Generation and Management: The Roles of Membrane Technologies, Jimoh K. Adewole , The 2nd Research and Innovation Seminar, IMCO, Oman, 11 December 2019
Application of Statistical Data Analysis Softwae (R) for Active in Class Learning, Anteneh M. Yeneneh, Jimoh K. Adewole, MZ Khan, CETL 1st International Conference on teaching and Learning , Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman , Feb 10-12, 2020
Automatic detection of malarial parasites from blood cell images using soft computing techniques, ALDRIN & ANIHA MARY , International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering (ICSIE 20) , JAWAHER Engineering College, Chennai, India, March 29, 2020
Automatic detection of leukemia from blood cell images using soft computing techniques, Aldrin & Anitha Mary, International Conference on Recent trends in Engineering and scientific Technology (ICREST 20), Rathinam School of Architecture, Coimbatoe, India, 21st March, 2020
The Influence of Water and DEE as Additives with Diesel Fuel in a Diesel Engine Generator – An Experimental Investigation, J. Sadhik Basha & Montaha Al Balushi , 2nd International Conference on Computer, Automation, Engineering and Technology, CAET, Turkey, August 3-4, 2019
Design of Robust PID controller for Boiler, Abdul Hameed Kalifullah , Abdullah Musaalami, Shamsa , International Conference on Smart Technologies, Communication, Engineering, Archives & Management, Middle East College , Muscat, December 10, 2019
Optimal Design of GA based PID boiler drum level controller using MATLAB, Abdul Hameed ,Mohamed Abdulrasool Al-Maqbali ,Mahmood Said Mubarak Al Qamshouai ,Ahmed Marhoon Humaid Amur Al-Sawaqi ,Ahmed Abdullah Suwih Al-Maani, ARSSS – International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer Science and Information Technology, Sharjah, UAE, September 1&2,2019
Removal of Lead Using Chemically Modified Lignocellulosic Biomass, A Yeneneh, AD Nawaz, J Adewole, A Firouzi, Thirumalai KumarM Al-Balushi, H Al-Jabri, 17th Leading Edge Technology Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies by International Water Association (IWA), RENO, USA, 1- 5 June 2020,
Investigation On Biosorption Of Lead By Acid And Surfactant Modified Rice Husk And Sugarcane Bagasse, A Yeneneh, J Adewole, H Eugene, A Firouzi, Thirumalai Kumar, MZ Khan, 17th Leading Edge Technology Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies by International Water Association (IWA), RENO, USA, 1-5 June 2020,
Application of Innovative Low-Cost Bio-Flocculants for Enhanced Wastewater Treatment, Anteneh Yeneneh Dhiba Al-Aamri, Jimoh Adewole, Amin Firouzi, Muna Al Ajmi, Abdulshakoor Noor Alam, 2020 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, , San Francisco, USA., November 2020
Anaerobic Biodegradation of Used Motor Oil for Safe Disposal, Talal Mohammed AHMED Al Maqbali, Khalid said Alessai, Abdulhamid Humaid Salim Al hinai, Aziz Mohammed Al Maktoumi, Anteneh Yeneneh (presenter) Jimoh Adewole,, 2020 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, , San Francisco, USA ., November 2020
Performance Enhancement of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Process and Sludge Dewaterability Using Ultrasonic Oxidation Technique, Anteneh M. Yeneneh, Basma Al Kiyumi,Rawan Al Ruheili, Sara Al Kiyumi, Fatima Al Siyabi, Ramzi Al Ghafri , 9th National symposium on Engineering University of Nizwa, Oman., 2019
Analysis of Challenges and Opportunities of Renewable Energy technologies for Sustainable Energy Future in Oman and the gulf region, Hawraa Ali Abdullah Ali Al-Aj, Balaqis Sultan Said Al-Ruheil, Amna Sultan Mohammed Al Jabri, Nasser Saif Salim Humaid Al-Farsi, Asma Al kharousi, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh, Oman’s International Conference on Water Engineering and Management of Water Resources (OICWE2020)., Oman, Accepted for Nov 2020
Investigation Of Optimal Parameters For The Bioethanol Production From Marine Algae, Sheikha Al-Saidi, Ahmed Al-Yahmidi ,Hala Al-Mamari, Aisha Al-Ghaithi, Motaz Al-Yahmidi, 9th National symposium on Engineering University of Nizwa, , Oman, 2019
Technologies for Solar Energy Storage and Utilization Using Mixture of Molten Salts and Polymers, Anteneh Mesfin Yeneneh1, Abdul Shakoor Noor Alam1, Jimoh Adewole1, Safinaz Suliman Al balushi1, Sara Saleh Murad Al Balushi1, 1, 22nd International Conference on Green Energy Environment and Sustainability, Accepted for September2020 , Accepted for September2020
An Assessment Of Performance And Emission Attributes Of A Diesel Engine Generator Fueled With Dee Water Blended Diesel Fuels, J. Sadhik Basha & Majid Al Balushi, (EEIGP) 1st Engineering Exhibition for Innovative Graduation Projects, at the University of Buraimi., University of Buraimi, Oman,