The maritime industry plays a crucial role in the growth and development of the Gulf region,
particularly in Oman. Recognizing this significance, our Maritime Department is proud to be the
only one of its kind in Oman and one of the few similar disciplines in the Gulf area. This unique
status allows us to provide qualified students from the region with the opportunity to become
skilled Marine Engineers or Deck Officers.
Offering two comprehensive programs, Marine Engineering and Nautical Studies (Deck Officer),
our department provides students with the option to pursue either an Advanced diploma or
Bachelor degree in Full-Time study mode and in English. Both the Marine Engineering and
Deck Officer programs are designed to prepare those aspiring to join the maritime sectors at
middle-management or supervisory levels. Graduates can look forward to a wide range of job
opportunities in various marine industry sectors, such as shipping companies, management
companies, technical workshops, classification societies, maintenance companies, shipyards,
dry-docks, ports, energy sectors, and the offshore industry.
The Deck Officer program, in particular, combines time-honored navigation techniques with
cutting-edge maritime technology to ensure our students are equipped to efficiently operate
and perform a ships navigation during watchkeeping duties on board any type of ship,
regardless of size or tonnage.
At our Maritime Department, we emphasize hands-on experiences that complement and
enhance classroom learning. Our degrees enable graduates to apply the knowledge they
acquire through their studies to their future careers. Deck Officers, for instance, can progress
within a shipping company from Officer in Charge of the Navigation Watch to Captain on a large ocean-going vessel – a significant responsibility that demands a comprehensive education and
Dr. Capt. Arife Tugsan Isiacik Colak
Captain Superintendent & HoD
Department of Maritime
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +968 2682 7742