Department of Maritime

Professional Bodies

Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST)


  1. Subscription to Marine Professional magazine, access to the Virtual Library and many other member benefits.
  2. Use of the official ‘Partnered with IMarEST’ logo.
  3. A hard copy subscription of Marine Professional magazine.
  4. The IMarEST runs prestigious events, including technical seminars, conferences and lectures. Marine Members will be given a preferential opportunity to provide speakers and discounted sponsorship opportunities.
  5. Opportunity to submit press releases for the IMarEST’s bi-monthly eMarine newsletter which is distributed to over 23,000 marine professionals globally.
  6. FREE student membership for students, cadets and apprentices.

Branch Chair: Capt. Mehrdad

Official Contact: [email protected]

A total of seven maritime department lecturers (Captains, Engineers and Doctors) are members of IMAREST.
In addition, all full-time students can register for IMarEST’s free student membership.