Mehrdad Behforouzi, SDS Dadwal, Kais Hassan, Arife Tugsan, Eslam Mostafa, Nourhan I. Ghoneim and Hamid Reza Soltani have published a paper titled “Implementing Digitalization and Authentication of Seafarer’s Identification and Certification in the Sultanate of Oman”, Published in the JOURNAL OF MARITIME RESEARCH, Volume 19th, No. III (2022) pp 68–76, ISSN: 1697-4040, 11 Nov 2022. Available on:
Salim Ahmed Al Rashdi, A case study on the electrical energy auditing and saving techniques in an educational institution (IMCO, Sohar, Oman), Available online 25 January 2022, Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Shabeeb AL-Balushi1, Mehrdad Behforouzi2,∗, Mohammed AL-Balushi3, Motasem AL-Mahrazi4, Zakaria AL-Alawi5 have published a paper titled “How do the Depression and Mental Health of Crew Members Create Threats to The Shipping Industry? n”, Published in the JOURNAL OF MARITIME RESEARCH, Volume 19th, No. I (2022) pp 40–47, ISSN: 1697-4840, 11 Nov 2022. Available on:
A Tamrakar, A Shukla, A Kalifullah, F Reegu, K Shukla ,Extended review on internet of things (IoT) and its characterisation – Int. J. Health Sci, 2022. Available on:
Abdul Hameed Kalifullah1 Kondamudi Bhavana Raj2 Junath Naseer Ahamed3 Rakesh Yemineni4 Karthikeyan Kaliyaperumal5 Sheshang Degadwala , Graph-based content matching for web of things through heuristic boost Algorithm, Availabe On
Maritime Spatial Planning For Site Selection Of Offshore Wind Farms With Exergy Efficiency Analysis, Northern Aegean Case Chapter, Opportunities and Challenges in Climate-Friendly Clean Water and Energy Technologies,2023 (Book Chapter)
Yasir, M., Shanwei, L., Mingming, X., Hui, S., Hossain, M. S., Colak, A. T., Wang, D., Jianhua, W., & Dang, K. B. (2023). Multi-scale ship target detection using SAR images based on improved Yolov5. Frontiers in Marine Science
Yasir, M., Jianhua, W., Mingming, X. Colak, T. et al. Ship detection based on deep learning using SAR imagery: a systematic literature review. Soft Computer (2022).
Colak İsiacik T., Senel, G., Goksel, C., GIS-based maritime spatial planning for site selection of offshore wind farms with exergy efficiency analysis: a case study, International Journal of Exergy (IJEX), Vol. 34, No. 2, 2021,
Conference Publications
Publications 2021-2022
Journal Publications
S. Yousef, Ahmed M. Megahed, Nourhan I. Ghoneim, M. Elsafi and Eman Fares have published a paper titled “Chemical reaction impact on MHD dissipative Casson-Williamson nanofluid flow over a slippery stretching sheet through porous medium”, Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Alexandria Engineering Journal (2022) 61, 10161–10170, AEJ-D-22-00451, March 2022. Available on:
Nourhan I. Ghoneim and Ahmed M. Megahed, “Numerical Analysis of the Mixed Flow of a Non-Newtonian Fluid over a Stretching Sheet with Thermal Radiation”, has been published in Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing (FDMP) journal, Volume 19, Number 2, 2023, DOI: 10.32604/fdmp.2022.020508, 07 March 2022. Available in:
Nourhan I. Ghoneim and Ahmed M. Megahed, “Hydromagnetic nanofluid film flow due to an unsteady stretching sheet with prescribed heat flux and viscous dissipation phenomenon”, has been published in Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing (FDMP) journal, Volume 18, Number 5, 2022. DOI: 10.32604/fdmp.2022.020509, 07 February 2022. Available in: Hydromagnetic Nanofluid Film Flow over a Stretching Sheet with Prescribed Heat Flux and Viscous Dissipation
Faizah S. Aljohani, Mohamed Elsafi, Nourhan I. Ghoneim, M Toderaş M. I. Sayyed, Hamid reza Mohafez, Mohammad A. Islam, Mayeen Uddin Khandaker and Mostafa El-Khatib, “Water Treatment from MB Using Zn-Ag MWCNT Synthesized by Double Arc Discharge”, has been published in the materials science and engineering journal published semimonthly online by MDPI as part of the Special Issue New Materials and Technologies for Wastewater Treatment, 26 November 2021, and is available online:
Shouman, Nourhan I. Ghoneim, M. El-Khatib, A. El-Khatib, “Risk Assessment Approaches for Offshore Structures” has been by TransNav conference in the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, DOI: 10.12716/1001.15.02.18, Volume 15, Number 2, June 2021. Available in:,58,1133.html
Nourhan I. Ghoneim, “Numerical treatment for solving a model of non-Newtonian Casson fluid flow over an extensible sheet based on maritime field”, published in International Journal of Modern Physics C, 25 January 2021.
Ahmed M. Megahed, M. Gnaneswara Reddy and Nourhan I. Ghoneim, “Numerical solution for natural convection fluid flow along a vertical cone with variable diffusivity and wall heat and mass fluxes embedded in a porous medium”, has been published in International Journal of Modern Physics C (IJMPC), 2021.
Ahmed M. Megahed, Nourhan I. Ghoneim, M. Gnaneswara Reddy and Mostafa El-Khatib, “Magnetohydrodynamic fluid flow due to an unsteady stretching sheet with thermal radiation, porous medium and variable heat flux”, published in Advances in Astronomy, 2021.
Kalifullah, A.H. (2022). Information Technology Management for Entrepreneurs and Managers. 01 ed. Tamil Nadu: Royal publishing House, p.1-96.
Tugsan Isiacik Colak, Conference: Digitalization Transition to Achieve Maritime Decarbonization and GHG Emission 2050 Targets10th Global Conference on Global Warming (GCGW-2022), Nov, UAE,2022
Tugsan Isiacik Colak, Conference: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Based and Satellite Based HABs Monitoring for Oman Coastal Waters, The 5th International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Management (WREM 2022)
Abdul Hameed , Kalifullah .( 2021), An AI based system for building architecture & Map designing ,20214150400
Conference Publications
Nourhan I. Ghoneim, “Ship Loading and Capacity Utilization” is published APMAS2021 in the American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings.
Abdul Hameed Kalifullah, Aldrin Karunakaran,” Testing Of Proton Exchange Membrane Cells Under External Conditions For the Applications In Petrochemical Industries, ICRAINS –21, Karunya University, 12-13- November 2021
Almuhanna ALkaaf , Abdul Hameed Kalifullah,” Design and Development of water quality monitoring system using Arduino”, ICIRMEE, 2022, AMET University, 28-29 April 2022.
Publications 2020-2021
Journal Publications
Nourhan I. Ghoneim, Mohammad Reza Zafari Anaraki, Mohamed Shouman, Kambiz Mokhtari, “Electric Propulsion for Near Coastal Ships”, International Journal of Nanotechnology and Application (IJNA), ISSN (P): 2277–4777; ISSN (E): 2278–9391, Vol. 10, Issue 2, Dec 2020, 1–12.
Nourhan I. Ghoneim, Mohamed Shouman, Kambiz Mokhtari, “A Proposed Method for Ship Safety Enhancement After Flooding”, International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy on Vol. (15), December 2020. (V15-006) A Proposed Method-하마.pdf (
Kambiz Mokhtari, Mehrdad Behforouzib, Kawkab Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al Balush, Hamid reza Soltanid, Nourhan I. Ghoneim, “Risk Management on a Liquefied Natural Gas Export Terminal in the Sultanate of Oman: The case of Qalhat LNG Terminal”, International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy on Vol. (15), December 2020. (V15-002) Manuscript – Risk management-하마.pdf (