NU Strategic Plan for Academic Ranking

The 2nd NUSP is conceived to be a holistic plan with pathways for survival, sustenance and growth enabling an integrated mix of short term and long-term projections. The plan focusses on NU Ranking and Awards and accordingly formulated the goal, objectives and KPIs for World Ranking.

2nd NU Strategic Plan 2024-2030

Strategies, Goals, Objectives, KpIs and Targets for NU RANKING

Full Strategic Plan 2024-30 can be found here


National University of Science and Technology(NU), Oman has developed and implemented a 5-year Strategic Plan (for the period 2019-2024) which ensures the Mission and Vision are delivered. It is the way in which NU’s commitment to high quality education and purposeful research is made real.

Destination – 4

Governance and Growth – Implement best practice governance to make the National University Bigger, Bolder, and Better.


4.a. Develop our governance to ensure effective administration and communication
4.b. Implement resource allocation policies for sustainable growth.
4.d. Establish governance policies to deliver nationally and internationally recognized academic standards.
4.d. Build up a sustainable business model in compliance with necessary regulatory procedures.
4.e. Develop an action plan for a safe and progressive community life across the colleges, and to ensure environmental sustainability.

Goal 4.c. Establish governance policies to deliver nationally and internationally recognized academic standards
Support program and institutional accreditation including a dedicated administrative unit. Improve Arab region QS ranking by 10 place every year 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 OVERALL
NIL NIL Included in
Arab QS
ranking 91-100
& Inclusion in
Arab QS
ranking 81-
90 &
Inclusion in
Arab QS ranking 81-
90 &
Inclusion in relevant
ranking schemes

Full Strategic Plan 2019-24 can be found here.