
About Library

The Library of College of Medicine and Health Sciences is committed to satisfy the users community information needs relevant to education and research through provision of up-to-date and quality resources whether acquired or accessible in the field of medicine. This requires provision of variety of organized efficient services. We will anticipate users need and develop, publicize and offer new services and facilities appropriate to changing circumstances. These will be offered increasingly collaboratively with other parts of the College and with appropriate external agencies. We concentrate in delivering information in the form, at the place and at the time of most benefit to the user, within the requirements of the College.


Offered at College of Medicine

Circulation service

Varieties of library materials are available such as books, journals, MCQs books, MOH and WHO publications, CDs and videos. Library users’ categories have different loans as shown below in the table.

Category Item Quantity Loan Period
Faculty & visiting faculty Books
MCQs books
6 3 weeks
Student Books
MCQs books
4 3 weeks
Staff Books
MCQs books
4 3 weeks

Interlibrary Loan

Inter-Library loan is a service allow the users to request a resources from other libraries in case the requested materials are not available in our library. Please fill the ILL form with the required fields which include the personal details of the user and also bibliographic citation of the requested material.  The user can also request a help from the librarian at the circulation desk or sending an email to ( [email protected] or [email protected]).

Online Inter-library Loan Request Form

Printing & Photocopying

Library computers are connected to paperCut printing system which allow the users to print from all the printing machines located at the campus using the Pin Code. To charge your account, ask the librarian at the circulation desk in the library.

Library services for the Alumni

  1. Library provides alumni with access to NU online databases from the designated computer
    workstations in the library. Alumni can access the databases and E resources of NU from the Library.
  2. Library provides Alumni with reference and research assistance.
    Please contact Library & Information Centre via ( [email protected] ) for assistance.
  3. Library provides Library membership cards to the Alumni. .
    Please fill in the membership application form and send it to Ms. Abeer Al Kindi( [email protected]).

    Alumni membership form

  4. Library provides Inter- Library loan services to the Alumni. Library arranges Journal articles from other Libraries if not available with NU Libraries.
    Please contact Library & Information Centre via   ( [email protected] ) for assistance.

    ILL request form

  5. NU alumni website

Reference service

Dictionaries, Glossaries, Encyclopedias, Directories, Atlases and Indexes are available. These items cannot be issued out of the library.

Users’ inquiries, bibliographical information, and literature searches will be answered by library staff immediately at the circulation desk or via phone (00968-26852084) or by sending an email to ([email protected]).

Library Email: [email protected]

Library Working

  • Sunday to Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 09:00 PM.
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Friday: closed

Contacts Us

Library & Information Centre Staff
Name Ext Position Email
Mohammed Al Maamari 26852102  Senior Manager [email protected]
Abdullah AL-Jabri 26852084 Librarian [email protected]
Maryam Al Raisi 26852084 Assistant Librarian [email protected]
Said Al Issai 26852084 Librarian [email protected]
Zainab Al Hosni 26852086 Librarian [email protected]
Abeer Al-Kindi 26852083 Assistant Librarian [email protected]