Department of

Obstetrics and Gynecology

About department

The teaching at obstetrics and gynecology department is carried out in two campuses. MD5 students are taught basics of obstetrics in the Rustaq campus over 6 weeks. Later, MD6 students are taught about high risk obstetrics and gynecology in Sohar campus over a period of 6 weeks.

The department has 6 faculty members in both campuses. The students are exposed to different teaching modalities and different teaching settings like labor room, outpatient, in-patient, operation theatre for their better understanding, learning of the subject .

Course Objectives

  • To familiarize the students with the recognition, natural history, general as well as specific obstetrical and gynecological problems their diagnosis and management, that they would expect to encounter in the community.
  • To provide them in depth knowledge of the discipline so that they become proficient in the use of reference tools (COMPUTER BASED & PRINTED) available for using evidence based medicine in the OPD, labor room and in patient settings.
  • To make the transition from guided education to more self-directed learning.
  • To familiarize and teach them the importance of interpersonal communication skills with colleagues, patients and their
  • To teach them the medical ethics and the importance of professionalism
  • To give them the understanding about the leadership and entrepreneurial skills

Courses offered:

12-week-long obstetrics and gynecology course in the form of 6 weeks in MD 5 and 6 weeks in MD6

During the placement in MD5, the students will learn the basics of obstetrics knowledge and skill while during the MD6 the student doing sub-internship with expanded knowledge and skill and prepare to work as safe intern doctor in the hospital after graduation.

Faculty Profile:

Prof. Wisal Omer Mohamed Nabag

Designation: Professor & Head of Dept. Ob&GY
Email: [email protected]

Dr Sendhil Coumary

Designation: Associate Professor
Email: [email protected]

Saniya Eltayeb

Designation: Associate Professor
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Amira Hamid Osman Burhan

Designation: Associate Professor
Email: [email protected]

Saima Aslam

Designation: Lecturer
Email: [email protected]

jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(“img.facultyImage”).on(“error”, function() { // Replace the image source with the default image path jQuery(this).replaceWith(‘faculty photo‘); }); });

Dr. Wisal Omer Nabag

Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology
HOD of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Research Activities
  1. Rustaq Campus
  2. Sohar Campus

Each student is expected to attend the multidisciplinary CME in Sohar hospital auditorium which is the main teaching conference and research area for medical students