UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical resource. It includes a collection of medical and patient information, access to Lexi-comp drug monographs and drug-to-drug, drug-to-herb and herb-to-herb interactions information, and a number of medical calculators. UpToDate claims to have been written by over 5,700 physician authors, editors and peer reviewers. It is available both via the Internet and offline on personal computers or mobile devices. It requires a subscription for full access.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain high quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision making. Cochrane Reviews represent the highest level of evidence on which to base clinical treatment decisions.The Cochrane Library contains thousands of answers to healthcare questions. In addition to Cochrane reviews, The Cochrane Library provides other sources of reliable information, from other systematic review abstracts to technology assessments to economic evaluations and individual clinical trials all the current evidence in one single environment.
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It is a comprehensive online medical resource that provides a complete spectrum of knowledge from the best minds in medicine, with essential information accessible anywhere.
MEDLINE is an authoritative bibliographic database containing citations and abstracts for biomedical and health journals used by health care professionals, nurses, clinicians and researchers engaged in clinical care, public health and health policy development.
Clinical Pharmacology is accepted by all 50 state Boards of Pharmacy as a compendium to fulfill the drug reference requirements for licensed pharmacies, and is officially recognized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as a drug compendium for determining the appropriate use of drugs and biologics for cancer patients.