Department of

Student Affairs

About Us

The Student Affairs Department at the College of Medicine and Health serves as primary source of information and advises students about the extra- curricular opportunities and resources available at campus. Student Affairs Department assists and encourages students in becoming involved in campus life. Also, it engages and directs students for organizing events and activities.

Student Affairs Department at the College is Responsible for the following:

  • Provides newly joined students with full guidance and information on college life.
  • Facilitates and supervises the process of the yearly elections of Student Advisory Council members, various student clubs and class representatives for each MD year. It maintains fairness and no bias throughout the process of elections and dissemination of results to the Dean and the heads of departments.
  •  Co-ordinates and establishes the operational plan of student’s activities, budget estimation and supervises the conduction of student advisory council activities throughout the academic year.
  • Manages international students’ group throughout the academic year for their campus life, and entertainments activities during the short holidays.
  • Co-ordinates with the Community engagement office to support students in their growth as leaders through their participation in various community outreach activities.
  • Supports students’ creativity and self-efficacy in organizing international programs independently such as TEDx NUSciTech, which enables students and community to share ideas and knowledge and to refresh the various ways of approaching life.
  • Encourages students’ creativity and self-efficacy in organizing international conferences and internal projects.
  • Co-ordinates and streamline the college career guidance program.
  • Plans and organizes the college alumni network gathering every two year.   
  • Maintains the alumni database and manages the alumni network activities throughout the academic year
Student Affairs

College Student Advisory Council

Student Advisory Council is the student body that manages student activities in the college. It is supervised by the Students Affairs Department and serves as the link between students and college administration. The elections of the student take place every academic year as per the Organizational Guide for Student Advisory Committee in Higher Education Institutions. The main Student advisory council positions are Chair/President of student advisory council, Vice president of student advisory council, activities & initiatives director, student services director, academic affairs director, and media director. Moreover, the Student Advisory Council includes in-charges of various student clubs and the class representatives of each MD year.

Contact Us

College of Medicine and Health Sciences
P.O. 391, P.C. 321
Sohar, Sultanate of Oman
Tel: (+968) 2685 2005 / 2685 2007
SCC helpline 71970395
Fax : (+968) 26843545

The Medical Students’ Community – Oman

The Medical Students’ Community – Oman is an autonomous group of Medical Students in Oman, which is a full National Member Organization in the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). IFMSA is the world’s oldest and largest independent organization representing associations of medical students internationally and recognized as a non-governmental organization within the United Nations system and the World Health Organization.

Medical Students’ Community – Oman (MedSCO) currently operates through five of the six IFMSA Standing Committees, each having a Local officer appointed to represent COMHS Students, and they are:

  • Medical Education (SCOME)
  • Public Health (SCOPH)
  • Human Rights and Peace (SCORP)
  • Professional Exchange (SCOPE)
  • Research Exchange (SCORE)