Library and Information Centre

New Arrival

S.No. Book ID Title Author Publisher
1 25411 Word power made easy Norman Lewis Anchor books
2 25412 Grammar for English Language Teachers Martin Parrot Cambridge University Press
3 25413 Uncovering Grammar Scott Thornbury Macmillan
4 25414 Beyond the Sentence: Introducing discourse analysis Scott Thornbury Macmillan
5 25415 An A-Z of ELT: A dictionary of terms and concepts Scott Thornbury Macmillan
6 25416 Sound Foundations: Learning and teaching pronunciation Andrian Underhill Macmillan
7 25417 Teaching for learning mathematics Rosamund Sutherland Open University Press
8 25406 SAT Sharon Weiner Green Barron’s
9 25407 Islam: A short history Karen Armstrong The Modern Library
10 25408 The road to Mecca Muhammad Asad Islamic Book Trust
11 25409 Muhammad: His life based on the earliest sources Martin Lings Dar Al Wahi Publication
12 25410 The life of Muhammad M.H Haykal Islamic Book Trust
13 25278 The Giver Lois Lowry Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
14 25279 Me Before You Jojo Moyes Penguin Books
15 25280 Legend Marie Lu Speak
16 25281 What the dog saw and other adventures Malcolm Gladwell Penguin Books
17 25282 Cat among the pegeons Agatha Christie Harper Collins Publishers
18 25283 Dead Man’s Folly Agatha Christie Harper Collins Publishers
19 25284 The Woodlanders  Thomas Hardy Wordsworth Classics
20 25285 Journey to the Centre of the earth Jules Verne Wordsworth Classics
21 25286 Tom Sawyer Abroad & Tom Sawyer Detective Mark Twain Wordsworth Classics
22 25287 Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde with the Merry Men & other stories R. L. Stevenson Wordsworth Classics
23 25288 Inferno Dan Brown Corgi Books
24 25289 Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe Wordsworth Classics
25 25290 The Hound of the Baskervilles and the Valley of Fear Sir A. Conan Doyle Wordsworth Classics
26 25291 Les Miserables Victor Hugo Wordsworth Classics
27 25292 To Kill A Mockingbird Harper Lee Harper Perennial
28 25293 The Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy Douglas Adams Pan books
29 25294 The Lost Symbol Dan Brown Corgi Books
30 25295 And the mountains echoed Khaled Hosseini Bloomsbury
31 25296 Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell McGraw-Hill
32 25297 Peril at end house Agatha Christie William Morrow
33 25298 David & Goliath Malcolm Gladwell Penguin Books
34 25299 When breath becomes air Paul Kalanithi The Bodley Head 
35 25300 Dreamaholics Hamdan Salim Hamdan Salim Books
36 25301 IT Stephen King Hodder
37 25302 A thousand splendid suns Khaled Hosseini Bloomsbury
38 25303 Murder on the orient express Agatha Christie William Morrow
39 25304 Hickory Dickory Dock Agatha Christie Harper Collins Publishers
40 25305 The murder of Roger Ackroyd Agatha Christie Harper Collins Publishers
41 25306 Death in the clouds Agatha Christie Harper Collins Publishers
42 25307 The clocks Agatha Christie Harper Collins Publishers
43 25308 Shoe Dog Phil Knight Simon & Schuster
44 25309 The fellowship of the ring J.R.R Tolkien Harper Collins Publishers
45 25310 The hobbit J.R.R Tolkien Harper Collins Publishers
46 25311 The two towers J.R.R Tolkien Harper Collins Publishers
47 25312 The return of the king J.R.R Tolkien Harper Collins Publishers
48 25313 Four Veronica Roth Harper Collins Publishers
49 25314 Insurgent Veronica Roth Harper Collins Publishers
50 25315 Divergent Veronica Roth Harper Collins Publishers
51 25316 Allegiant Veronica Roth Harper Collins Publishers
52 25317 Murder in Mesopotamia Agatha Christie Harper Collins Publishers
53 25318 Blue moon Lee Child Bantam Press
54 25319 The Valkyries Paulo Coelho Harper Collins Publishers
55 25320 Veronika Decides to Die Paulo Coelho Harper Collins Publishers
56 25321 The Witch of Portobello Paulo Coelho Harper Collins Publishers
57 25322 By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept Paulo Coelho Harper Collins Publishers
58 25323 the Devil & Miss Prym Paulo Coelho Harper Collins Publishers
59 25324 The Zahir Paulo Coelho Harper Collins Publishers
60 25325 The Fifth Mountain Paulo Coelho Harper Collins Publishers
61 25326 Eleven Minutes Paulo Coelho Harper Collins Publishers
62 25327 The Alchemist Paulo Coelho Harper Collins Publishers
63 25328 The Pilgrimage Paulo Coelho Harper Collins Publishers
64 25329 Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets J.K Rowling Bloomsbury
65 25330 Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban J.K Rowling Bloomsbury
66 25331 Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone J.K Rowling Bloomsbury
67 25332 Harry Potter and the goblet of fire J.K Rowling Bloomsbury
68 25333 Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix J.K Rowling Bloomsbury
69 25334 Harry Potter and the deathly hallows J.K Rowling Bloomsbury
70 25335 Harry Potter and the half-blood prince J.K Rowling Bloomsbury
71 25336 Ratburger David Walliams Harper Collins Publishers
72 25337 Mr Stink David Walliams Harper Collins Publishers
73 25338 Gangsta Granny David Walliams Harper Collins Publishers
74 25339 Awful Auntie David Walliams Harper Collins Publishers
75 25340 Grandpa’s great escape David Walliams Harper Collins Publishers
76 25341 Demon Dentist David Walliams Harper Collins Publishers
77 25342 The boy in the dress David Walliams Harper Collins Publishers
78 25343 Billionaire boy David Walliams Harper Collins Publishers
79 25344 Thea Stilton and the Frozen Fiasco Geronimo Stilton Scholastic Inc.
80 25345 Through the looking glass Lewis Carroll Penguin Books
81 25346 Billy Budd, Sailor Herman Melville Penguin Books
82 25347 Thea Stilton and the Prince’s Emerald Geronimo Stilton Scholastic Inc.
83 25348 Spacemice: Alien escape Geronimo Stilton Scholastic Inc.
84 25349 Creepella Von Cacklefur: Ride for your life Geronimo Stilton Scholastic Inc.
85 25350 Creepella Von Cacklefur: Ride for your life Geronimo Stilton Scholastic Inc.
86 25351 Mouseford Academy: Mouselets in danger Thea Stilton Scholastic Inc.
87 25352 The race across America Geronimo Stilton Scholastic Inc.
88 25353 How to train your dragon Cressida Cowell Hodder Children’s Books
89 25354 How to train your dragon: How to ride a dragon’s storm Cressida Cowell Hodder Children’s Books
90 25355 Nursery Treasury Belinda Gallagher Miles Kelly
91 25356 Classic animal stories Belinda Gallagher Miles Kelly
92 25357 The land of stories: The wishing spell Chris Colfer Little, Brown Books For Young Readers 
93 25358 The land of stories: The enchantress returns Chris Colfer Little, Brown Books For Young Readers 
94 25359 The land of stories: A Grimm Warning Chris Colfer Little, Brown Books For Young Readers 
95 25360 The land of stories: Beyond the kingdoms Chris Colfer Little, Brown Books For Young Readers 
96 25361 The land of stories: An Author’s Odyssey Chris Colfer Little, Brown Books For Young Readers 
97 25362 The land of stories: Worlds collide Chris Colfer Little, Brown And Company
98 25363 The school for good and evil: A world without princes Soman Chainani Harper Collins Publishers
99 25364 The school for good and evil: Quests for glory Soman Chainani Harper Collins Publishers
100 25365 The school for good and evil: The last ever after Soman Chainani Harper Collins Publishers
101 25366 The phoenix of destiny: An epic kingdom of fantasy adventure Geronimo Stilton Scholastic Inc.
102 25367 Charlie and the chocolate factory Roald Dahl Puffin Books
103 25368 Esio Trot Roald Dahl Puffin Books
104 25369 The magic finger Roald Dahl Puffin Books
105 25370 George’s marvellous medicine Roald Dahl Puffin Books
106 25371 Fantastic Mr Fox Roald Dahl Puffin Books
107 25372 Charlie and the great glass elevator Roald Dahl Puffin Books
108 25373 Danny the champion of the world Roald Dahl Puffin Books
109 25374 James and the giant peach Roald Dahl Puffin Books
110 25375 Matilda Roald Dahl Puffin Books
111 25376 The twits Roald Dahl Puffin Books
112 25377 The witches Roald Dahl Puffin Books
113 25378 How to seize a dragon’s jewel Cressida Cowell Hodder Children’s Books
114 25379 Animal farm George Orwell Penguin Books
115 25380 The wimpy kid: Do-it-yourself book Jeff Kinney Puffin Books
116 25381 Diary of a wimpy kid: Dog days Jeff Kinney Puffin Books
117 25382 Diary of a wimpy kid: The ugly truth Jeff Kinney Puffin Books
118 25383 Diary of wimpy kid: Rodrick rules Jeff Kinney Puffin Books
119 25384 Diary of wimpy kid: Hard luck Jeff Kinney Puffin Books
120 25385 Diary of a wimpy kid: The third wheel Jeff Kinney Puffin Books
121 25386 Diary of a wimpy kid: A novel in cartoons Jeff Kinney Puffin Books
122 25387 Diary of a wimpy kid: Old school Jeff Kinney Puffin Books
123 25388 Diary of a wimpy kid: Cabin fever Jeff Kinney Puffin Books
124 25389 Diary of a wimpy kid: Wrecking ball Jeff Kinney Puffin Books
125 25390 Life without limits Nick Vujicic Waterbook
126 25391 Sapiens: A brief history of humankind Y N Harari Vintage
127 25392 The theory of everything: The origin and fate of the universe S.W Hawking Jaico Publishing House:Bombay
128 25393 Who moved my cheese? Dr.Spencer Johnson Vermilion
129 25394 Homo Deus: A brief history of tomorrow Y N Harari Vintage
130 25395 Life lessons from a brain surgeon Rahul Jandial Penguin Life
131 25396 Zero to one: Notes on startups, or how to build the future Peter Thiel Virgin Books
132 25397 A short History of nearly everything Bill Bryson Black Swan
133 25398 A brief history of time   Stephen Hawking Bantam Books
134 25399 21 Lessons for the 21st century Y N Harari Vintage
135 25400 Visual Factfinder Oceans Belinda Gallagher Bardfield Press
136 25401 Visual Factfinder: Bugs Belinda Gallagher Miles Kelly
137 25402 Over 1000 fantastic history facts Belinda Gallagher Miles Kelly
138 25403 Discover the awsome world Belinda Gallagher Miles Kelly
139 25404 Discover the extreme world Belinda Gallagher Miles Kelly
140 25405 Children’s encyclopedia ocean Belinda Gallagher Miles Kelly