Campus Life

The Foundation Year presents a lot of new experiences: Living away from home, meeting new people, managing time and developing study skills. While a lot of these new experiences are exciting, they can challenge student’s time-management skills and academic adjustment.

As a new student at NU, opportunity is given to attend induction activities at the beginning of the first semester. These activities include an overview of the University and MOHERI rules and regulations, a chance to meet fellow students and faculty, an introduction to University clubs and societies, and a chance to attend workshops designed to build confidence and understanding of University life and expectations.

 The SoFS campus has 18 large classrooms that have whiteboards and smart boards, projectors, tutor’s computer and speakers, and which seat up to 27 students. Class representatives are chosen every semester to liaise between students and management .They have representation on program boards and in focus groups like NU Student Council as per MOHERI guidelines The Student Affairs Unit (SAU) and the Library and Information Centre (LIC) present information on the services available to students and introduce them to various college events, clubs, and activities. The SAU presents general codes of conduct during induction as well as maintains records of student issues. SoFS has clearly outlined specific codes of behavior that is expected of all students irrespective of the NU campuses in order to fulfil its Mission of transformational education. They include general rules of conduct, conduct in the classrooms, labs, library and other facilities on campus, the conduct during exams and dress codes. The University has a No Smoking Policy under HSE Guidelines that all students and staff have to follow. The students are made aware of these codes of behavior through various channels like student induction, student handbook academic advisors, electronic displays, posters in corridors and classrooms

Campus tours are organized to showcase the facilities available on campus like the cafeteria, library, etc. so that they see first-hand the provisions made for a safe and wholesome learning environment and to emphasize the need to respect property and rules governing each learning space.

For resident [female] students the hostel warden presents information during the formal induction on the rules to be followed on campus and the procedure to be followed in registering complaints, illnesses, etc. Students also meet and engage with the student counselor to know about SoFS counselling support .In case of any physical or medical requirements, like pre-existing medical conditions, special provisions and academic accommodations are made for students on campus. The labs at SoFS are also well equipped for both English and computing courses with 30 computers on average in each room. Two IT Labs, 2 Language Labs with headsets and speakers, a 50-seater computer lab and a science lab are all part of the GFP infrastructure at the campus.

Implementation of the codes of conduct happens in various ways. The security personnel under the SoFS administration [apart from monitoring on CCTV] do a walk around every two or three hours surveying the various locations on campus to ensure students follow the rules. Any incident reports filed during this process are also considered by the Disciplinary Committee and appropriate action is taken.

SoFS in alignment with the university wide operational plans is constantly upgrading its systems and facilities on offer for students in campus.


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