Message from the


Director - School of Foundation Studies

Dr Sleem Khalfan Al Habsi

Director’s Message

The School of Foundation Studies (SoFS) at the National University of Science and Technology (NU) at Airport Heights, Muscat, is a hub for multi-purposes activities ranging from delivering the NU General Foundation Program (GFP), Centre for CELTA courses, Centre for DELTA testing & Center for Testing Knowledge Teaching TKT all Certified by Cambridge University and including IELTS preparatory & Short courses.

The Foundation Program at SoFS NU is the first destination where the Engineering, Medicine & Pharmacy students get their preparation for their tertiary study. Providing our students with knowledge and study skills is one of the core objectives of the NU GFP and that is to help them become self-dependent, life-long learners.

The NU GFP has highly qualified faculty members from diverse educational and cultural backgrounds from around the world ready to teach and provide various types of academic support to students.  

We highly believe in our Foundation students’ potential capabilities, and therefore we expose them not just to theoretical study, but to hands-on activities that give them a window to the practical side when they join their programs.    We are proud to welcome you to be part of the NU family, where your destination to excellence starts.

Dr. Sleem Al Habsi
Director – School of Foundations Studies
National University of Science and Technology