
The purpose of assessment in the Foundation Program at NU SoFS is to enable students to demonstrate that they have fulfilled the objectives of the program and have achieved the standards required to progress into undergraduate studies in engineering, pharmacy or medicine.

Assessments in each of the foundation courses demonstrate the fulfillment of the specified learning outcomes of that course and the achievement of the required standard for the Foundation Award and/or progression.  A student passes a course if all requirements of that course, including attendance levels, have been met.

Assessment Calendar

An assessment calendar, a consolidated schedule of all the Foundation assessment activities, is provided to the students at the beginning of every semester. This helps student keep a tab the exams and quizzes so that they can prepare themselves.

Assessment Tools

A student of the Foundation Program is assessed by a combination of summative and formative assessment tools, matching the specific nature of each course. Summative assessment tools include final examination and the following continuous assessment tools called coursework:

  • Written tests, including mid-semester examination conducted during the semester
  • Short quizzes
  • Computer-based practical assessments
  • Paragraph, essay, note-taking and other extended writing assignments
  • Oral presentations, oral examinations and performance in debate
  • Project work with research and practical outcomes

Timing of Specific Assessment Tools: The final examination is held at the end of the semester in which the course is delivered. Coursework is undertaken during the semester in which the course is delivered.  It is conducted by the respective course tutors and feedback is given through specific mechanisms.