School of Foundation Studies


About Library

SoFS has a well-stocked central library facility which offers printed as well as electronic books and journals. These include theoretical and practical textbooks related to English language learning, mathematical and scientific knowledge, computer skills, chemistry and biology. The atmosphere of the library lends itself to serious study with dedicated areas for individual or group study.


Offered at
School of Foundation Studies

Borrowing from Library

  1. How many books can be borrowed and for how long?
    Faculty, Staff and Students of Oman Medical College may borrow books and other specified resources from the Library.  Maximum number of books that can be borrowed by any student is Four and the loan period is limited to three weeks.
  2. How to borrow?
    Take the items and your ID card  to the circulation desk  where we will process the loan.
  3. Conditions of loan:
    The following loan conditions apply to all borrowers.
    Recalls: All borrowed items are subject to recall if required by another borrower or for the Reserve Collection.  Recalled items must be returned by the date specified in the recall notice.
    Renewals: If no request or recall has been placed on the item by another borrower you may renew your loan. Renewals can be made in person or by telephone. Books can be renewed two times if not overdue or requested by another borrower.  Reserve items cannot be renewed.
  4. Reserve collection loans
    The Reserve collections are short-term loan collections of materials in heavy demand. They include books and articles from the course reading lists and prescribed texts. Some lecturers put their lecture notes, tutorial notes and solutions on Reserve.
    Most Reserve items can be taken on overnight loan if borrowed within 2 hours prior to closing time. It is very important to return Reserve items on time  as other students are directly disadvantaged by late return.  Members who do not return the reserve books in time will not be allowed to borrow the reserve books again.
  5. Return of borrowed items
    You can return the items at the circulation counter.  Reserve items must be returned to the library before 9 a.m. as they are issued only for overnight.
  6. Notices & Fine for overdue items
    Items must be renewed or returned by the due date. The library imposes fines for overdue items. It is the borrower’s responsibility to note the due date and return the items on time. Responsibility for all material issued rests with the person named on the ID card unless the card’s loss was reported to the library prior to the date the material was borrowed.
    Please check your mail regularly for overdue return notices. Students will be charged an overdue fine of 50 bizas per working day per item, in case of late return of books. If the books are not returned within 15 days from the due date, the borrowing privileges of the member are likely to be suspended till the dues are cleared. All overdue notices are sent to the borrowers official email address.   The borrower is responsible for noting the due date and returning the items on time.
  7. Materials not for loan
    We do not lend items that are in reference collection.

Instructions & Help sessions

  1. Instructions / Help sessions in the use of the Library’s electronic services and resources are available in the Library. Please arrange a time to suit.
  2. Help sessions also cover how to use the Library’s databases and how to access full text journals.
  3. Full text services are particularly useful for NU Library users as there is no delay in obtaining the information. The relevant articles can be read at the library, printed out or downloaded.


Selective dissemination of information

Selective dissemination of information and current awareness services

Selective Dissemination of Information and Current awareness services are available to the Faculty and researchers who need a weekly or monthly update of the journal literature about any topic or field of interest. An Information professional will work with you to formulate a comprehensive search strategy. Please contact the Library staff for help.

SDI Request Form

Interlibrary Loan

Students and the faculty can request  Journal articles which are not available in The NU Library from the inter-library loan service.

How do I request an item?
Fill in the Interlibrary loan form available online or at the circulation desk and submit your request to the same location.

Online Inter-library Loan Request Form

Useful Links

A collection of links to the subject related information and the links has been stored into categories to help you.

Learn More

Digital Library

Provides a range of electronic resources including e-books, magazines, databases, full-text journal articles

Learn More
School of Foundation Studies

Library Working

  • Sunday to Thursday: 8:00 am to 4:30pm
  • During exam, Learning Resource Center (LRC) lab will be open from 8:00am to 8:00 pm.
  • Friday & Saturday: Closed

Contact us


Name Phone number Position E-Mail
Ms. Huda Saeed Al Miqbali 24250441 Librarian [email protected]
Ms. Asma Ahmed Al Bulushi 24250442 Librarian [email protected]