Mr. Ahammed Basheer Thekkeyil
Head of Department
English & Study Skills
School of Foundation Studies
Welcome to the School of Foundation Studies [SoFS], National University.
SoFS offers a one-year General Foundation Program [GFP]. The aim of GFP is to prepare our students for the rigorous programs in engineering, medicine and pharmacy. It prepares students with the necessary skills in English, Mathematics, Computing Skills, and Study Skills so that they are able to take on their majors with ease and confidence.
The ability to use English with ease is crucial for students entering the higher education as the major texts used in their college training, the scientific literature, lectures and discussions are in English. Our students must also have facility in speaking and writing English as their future professional careers will involve communication skills, both spoken and written. In addition to two general English courses, namely, FEL001 and FEL002, that provide a foundation in the four language skills, an ESP course is offered to Foundation students of Medicine and Pharmacy in the summer semester. In addition, it is critical that our students develop good study skills in order to be successful learners in their chosen field of study. Skills including time management, researching, effective note taking, revising one’s work and preparing for exams are primarily embedded in English language courses.
Equally important is a student’s digital as well as mathematical competencies. The Computing Skills courses and Math courses aim to transform students into self-propelled, highly motivated professionals with sound theoretical and practical knowledge by creating an atmosphere which encourages research, critical thinking and determination. The department offers four courses, namely, Basic Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, Computing Skills1 and Computing Skills2. These courses provide a comprehensive scientific, mathematical and computational foundation which prepares the students to meet the rigors of their chosen field of study in Engineering, Medicine and Pharmacy.
I wish all the Foundation students the very best in their learning, and urge all of them to enjoy their stay at NU SoFS.