World Quality Day Celebrations at CoMHS

Quality Assurance Office (QAO) at College of Medicine and Health Sciences, NU celebrated World Quality Day that falls on 2nd Thursday of November every year (this year, 14th Nov 2024). This day reinforces the significance of quality in all our operations and promotes the awareness nationally and globally.

In view of the above, a QUIZ competition was conducted for all staff and faculty at CoMHS, and mini competitions and puzzles were conducted for students at the College Lobby.

Following are the TOP 3 prize winners of the Quiz competitions from Staff and Faculty category:

1.   Prof Firdous Jahan, Family Medicine

2.   Mr Said Al Kindi, Dean’s Office

3.   Ms Mazoon Al Atar, Counselling Center

Assistant Deans Dr Nasser Al Nazwani and Prof John Muthusami gave away the prizes to the winners during the National day celebrations. QAO expresses gratitude and appreciation to the Dean Prof Shafaee for his encouragement and support to the QAO towards conduct of the World Quality Day 2024.


1st Prize Winner Prof Firdous Jahan

2nd Prize Winner Mr Said Al Kindi


3rd Prize Winner Ms Mazoon Al Atar